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 I've been a bit behind on comics lately because last week I found out that I was getting a standby table at Chicago Zine Fest on the 19th.

As a result, I've been scrambling to make the right merch and swag for the fest.

Here's the front and back of a postcard I just finished to promote LK!

BTW I'm going to be using the front side to update the main site's splash page when I get the time.




Nick, Great job on the tableaux of characters! I love Spar-o-kay's look of surprise which I surmise is the realization he's a father.


Could be! I thought it might be his seeing the head of a god on a sword -- like he might be next :-)


Saw that folks on the main site were asking to buy one of these, if you have any after the con -- count me in!