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imagine my embarrassment Having my husband see it by accident and then proceed taking a better look with like "holY SHIT" "wow" "oh wow" and I'm like... hhahahaha sweating nervously "what else do you expect from something bordering monster fuck" and he's like "what's monster fuck?" im like. GO figure it's in the name

ahaha then later he asked if I was using references and I'm like "I build them" and he's like "No I mean for like penises and vgs and stuff" and I'm like "weeeelll there are tutorials for that"
He was very impressed with the fact there ARE tutorials on how to draw those things

Anyway hope you enjoy!!❤️🤭



Nancy Teeple

LMAO! I feel you on the embarrassment of your husband looking over your shoulder and seeing something like this. Anyway, thank you for this spicy meal! 💗🔥🔥


What pose software do you use? :)