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I have something special for the $5 supporters. The 2nd episode of my series Modern Crime Caught on Camera. I'm aiming to have 4 of these completed for you in the next few weeks. In this one we see an insane situation that popped off in a Las Vegas smoke shop. Basically a bunch of teenagers come in to rob the place and get more than they bargained for. But even more crazy is after stabbing one of the robbers 7 times with a shank, the shopkeeper proceeded to do an AMA on the incident on Reddit. I hope you folks are enjoying these nsfw breakdowns. Let me know your throughts in the comments below.

Episode 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/modern-crime-on-76333485

Episode 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/king-von-4k-ai-3-78904053 




. This went way further than self defense, he waited for that moment and showed no hesitation. He stabbed him in the spine after having him in a lock. Shop keeper is def. A psychopath. I’m sorry for the yuths that were misguided. Btw I was robbed before and had a gun held to my face on two other occasions so I know how the situation feels like.


Yessir, this one is only for $5 gang. Going to come up with some more benefits soon!

Gooch Fitness

Well yeah you can’t hesitate when something like that is happening. I’ve seen incidents where the shop keep gets killed due to not having a weapon while being robbed. You always expect to be robbed because if you don’t you’ll get robbed and won’t know how to deal with it. The shop keep did what he had to do it was self defense. When you’re being robbed it’s action no time to think what will happen to me if I try to defend myself and my store. Dude could have easily had a gun so 🤷🏻‍♂️

Gooch Fitness

Don’t rob a store plain and simple. If you do expect to be stabbed or shot. Idk why people like to defend the criminals like they weren’t doing illegal stuff. The kid may think twice before doing illegal shit again because he’s lucky to be alive rn


I don’t know how it works in America but in Canada If you assault stab spit whatever while their back is turned it’s no way a form of self defence anymore it’s a crime a threat is someone facing you being a threat openly being a threat they didn’t say they had anything that’s true but I don’t think they had anything sue to shops giving little resistance without a weapon hitting him sure stabbing after everything seems like self defence there was no hesitation and he already premeditated that he has plans to defend himself before anything even happened because this guy is just a huge pussy like most people who can’t admit they rather attack someone with their back slightly turned than straight on where they can properly defend themselves this guy is a bitch who couldn’t even punch a guy or use the knife as a knuckle filler first because he only knows to use the knife instead of his hands like a bitch and now this guy is going to get a gun? Lol let’s make him a cop too


It’s different for every state in America man. That’s the real problem if you move to a new state all the defense laws may be flipped.

Frank Vegas

Hey all. I'm new on TRL's Patreon so please let me know of any etiquette or anything. I think with self defence it's hard to know what is enough self defence or the right amount until the situation is over. In the moment you can't tell what is going to happen next. Glad the young boy survived! Thanks for the vid!


Whole situation is just sad man


Owner was willing to let it go until assclown jumped the counter. Once he did that bruh had every right to take action. If your going to act like a thug prepare to be treated like one.


When did it become acceptable to victimize others just because you had a bad childhood? Some of us had extreme trauma when we were children. That does not justify bad acts against others that had nothing to do with it.


bro literally nearly stabbed a kid to death over stealing probably like $50. I'm on the side of the robbers tbh I dont think that asshole was in the right to stab clearly a young kid that many times over stealing and then looks like hes proud on the news


yea like sure what happened in childhood does make you who you are but you still make the choice to do those things like no one held a gun to your head and forced you to do it


That was like some Assasins Creed shit at the end when he started dragging him haha. I think these two boys have learnt their lesson and wont be robbing anyone again


Self defense 🤷🏽‍♂️ he was protecting himself no the store, u never know what a robber will do, if they have the Confidence to rob you in broad day light I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t mind beating the ish out of you or killing you


Ppl like you, are the reason America is becoming a 3rd world country 🤦🏽‍♂️ maybe u do care about ur life, or u don’t have anything to live for, but the avg person does. Hopefully this incident influences those criminals to change 🤷🏽‍♂️ and if it doesn’t then they will probably end up a pack sooner or later


Definite overkill!


Fuck around find out


when did it become okay to just rob a store? lol idc what your intentions "were" once my life at risk yours is too in the most disrespectful way


If you listen closely, you can hear the store clerk say... "I feel sorry for your mother."😂


Get insurance and don't be a hero he got lucky it was teenagers his buddy could of had a gun but he ran😄 they should of had it on em as soon as they came in made him get that Busta rhymes put ya hands where my eyes can see

Neil Zelkin

I really cannot believe we are even having this conversation. I guess next time he gets in a situation like that he should wait until they shoot him and then use the knife as he bleeds out on the floor of his own shop. Those three will all be in the adult penal system by age 18. So the answer is Yes, he was wrong stabbing that what did they call him, an honors student, as his two upstanding buddies were outside using the tip jar to solicit donations for their fallen comrade who had unjustly been cut down while committing an armed robbery's medical care. Maybe the evil shop owner should pay cuz its all his fault he stabbed the man. Sound about right you morons? And I take that, "you have insurance," comment is from someone who never has owned a retail business. #1 That's your baby and the owner was protecting and as such. #2 There is something called a deductible and for retailers thats quite high. As high as 5 or 6k. So everything they steal he is eating himself. So wake up.

Matthew Oxendine

Again, play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I’m all for defending one self and property. He’s lucky he didn’t reach room temperature

Mick Edwards

What's the plan with the new tiers, TLR? They introduced now?