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Well, the positive response to the chapters last week warms my heart. ^-^ Along with all the other elements, Deathseed is about the growth of character and subplot seeds planted much earlier. This is one of the things I hope everyone will enjoy the series develops as all the layers come together in different ways.

Also going to remind everyone about the Indie Ink Awards. If you haven't already, please consider voting for The Brightest Shadow in the categories Best Morally Gray Character (22nd row midway down) and Asian Representation by an Asian Author (second row). Voting closes in roughly another week! I don't expect to win, but placing would bring more attention to me as an author.


Chapter 17

So far, Fiyu's experience in the Arbaian city had been both productive and disappointing. She had identified many demons for the city guard and fought alongside various soulcrafters, always identifying herself as a representative of the School of Emerald Indulgence. Ally Navim assured her that she made a significant contribution to his school's prestige. That should have been sufficient.

However, she also needed to soulcraft more strength in a different way than before. She was no longer following her relative's blueprint, she wanted to help Friend Nauda liberate her community. With all the powerful soulcrafters facing them, Fiyu needed to develop as an Authority.

She had hoped that the upside to traveling in the oppressive Arbaian sun would be that she would find a light-based material. Even though she had yet to build her walls from her magma stone, she had a specific plan. Given a sublime material of the proper intensity, she could develop her lightstorm into a much more powerful and flexible weapon.

Regrettably, appropriate materials seemed scarce. Only Friend Theo had found an Authority-tier light material and it sounded wrong for her purposes. Occasionally grateful Arbaians gave Fiyu materials, but they had all been more useful given to Ally Navim or others from the school.

In one week, she had made only one major discovery: sublime mushrooms. She had been exploring abandoned mines outside the city, eliminating lurking demons, when she had stumbled across them. They appeared to grow by absorbing raw heat, which was certainly oppressive in the mines. Fiyu had tasted one and found it savory, and more importantly it bore cantae. It was not enough for a meal, much less their Nine Worlds Feast, but it was the only edible food she had found on Arbai.

Now, she might finally make another significant contribution. After much consultation with Ally Navim and other Arbaians, Fiyu believed that she had an adequate plan, so long as her companions approved. Developing plans had never been her role as a child or ward, so she was extremely nervous. It was much easier to let Friend Theo calculate everything, or Friend Nauda lead with her bravery.

Before she could think better of it, she called all the others to discuss taking action. Ally Navim and Associate Krikree entered their room first, the latter riding on a rocky limb. She could hear their discussion of some Arbaian matter, but they stopped when they sat down.

"Is the timeline unchanged?" Fiyu asked. Ally Navim responded with great patience.

"The eclipses have been charted down to the second, without variability. You can be certain that nothing will change."

"I see. Thank you."

"Hunt!" Associate Krikree barked out the word, potentially a suggestion, a report, or voicing enthusiasm. The ambiguity of her speech was always troubling.

Friend Nauda and Friend Theo arrived next, discussing the school's politics. There were conflicts with Unknown Eliyai, who Fiyu had barely interacted with. Hopefully her plan would be deemed acceptable and be a worthwhile contribution to the cause.

"So what's this about?" Friend Theo sat down opposite her, and though his question wasn't unkind, Fiyu needed a moment to reassure herself that she was not being hasty.

"I believe that the city's primary problem with demons is based on a set of ruins to the north." Fiyu abruptly felt as though she should have prepared a map, so that she could point to it and have something to do with her hands, but it was too late. "I noticed that many demons attacking travelers were second stage and then realized that they are summoning from within the ruins. If they could be cleared, we would resolve a significant trouble for Ruby Ericho."

"I concur with this analysis," Ally Navim said. "It has been a problem for the city for some time, and may also alleviate our school's troubles. But there is an additional complication."

He didn't explain, so Fiyu swallowed and continued. "The ruins are of historical importance. If we damage them while eliminating the demons, the locals will not be grateful. It is arguments over this matter that have prevented them from solving the problem themselves."

"That does make things tougher." Friend Nauda leaned forward onto her folded arms. "But you think that we can do it?"

"I hope that we can, yes, it will simply require caution. I cannot perceive the ruins perfectly enough to have a certain number, but I know there is at least one third stage titan. I believe they may be led by a second stage insectoid demon, and there have been sightings of a large bestial demon."

Once, facing such a nest of demons would have been suicidal. Based on her calculations, Fiyu was certain that her companions could survive, but that did not mean they could do so without risk, and especially without causing undue damage. This was the largest downside to her plan, in her opinion. It would be easy for everything to go wrong, then their battle would level the ruins and turn everyone against Ally Navim.

When no one spoke, Fiyu was forced to continue. "There is an additional factor: there are currently Arbaian guards stationed at a distance from the ruins. If we were to attack the demons, they would interfere, and likely cause additional damage because we would need to neutralize or save them."

"Can we get approval, then?" Friend Nauda asked.

"It would not be forthcoming," Ally Navim said, "but Fiyu has a relevant suggestion."

"Yes." Fiyu cleared her throat and continued. "I would like to attack during the upcoming eclipse. I fear it will only make the demons slightly more unprepared, as they do not sleep. But the Arbaians will not be able to see the ruins clearly and we will have an opportunity to clear them."

"Ideally, when the eclipse ends, all the demons would be defeated, the ruins would be undamaged, and I could claim the achievement in the name of the School of Emerald Indulgence. The ruins would of course be opened to all scholars, but it would be a significant mark in our favor."

"This is the plan." Fiyu looked around the group nervously and was surprised to see no major objections.

"I worry my senses won't be up to the task in darkness," Friend Nauda said, "but I trust you two. If you tell me how to fight, I'll do it."

Friend Theo nodded. "I can neutralize the majority of the demons with a gravitational field to start things off. After that, you'll need to identify which ones have enough cantae resistance to be a problem. So we'll be following your lead."

"Me?" Fiyu had known it was likely and still didn't like to hear it. "Obviously I will use my senses to monitor the battlefield, but I would prefer if-"

"Fiyu-queen good!" Krikree began pounding all four of her fists on the table. "Hunt! Hunt!"

And so, despite Fiyu's trepidation, they all ventured from the city so they would be prepared in time for the eclipse. Ideally she would have preferred days to prepare, and perhaps a trial run, but the eclipse timing was not accommodating. She had already needed to push forward her schedule when she realized that would be their only opportunity.

They rested and soulcrafted in their sleigh as they waited for the light to dim. Fiyu did not fully understand the mathematical system, she only knew that Ally Navim said there were objects in the sky normally impossible to see due to the sun's light.

Now one of those spheres began to creep across the sun, consuming the light and casting the land below into darkness. It was a comforting sight.

As the land went dark, she noted various groups become dormant. The Arbaian guards were first, hunkering down in their positions. For a brief while the demons were more active, then their movements slowed.

In the sleigh around her, Fiyu's companions reacted in different ways. Friend Nauda began relying more heavily on her life sense, which would hopefully be adequate. Friend Theo seemed comfortable in darkness and he assured her that Associate Krikree could hunt by scent. Ally Navim was worst off, with very limited senses. He was placing all his trust in them, both to protect him and to resolve the matter satisfactorily.

Then there was no more time to waste. "Be ready," Fiyu said. She touched the sleigh's controls and flew them toward the ruins.

By far the largest threats were the higher stage demons who could resist cantae. Fiyu extended her senses through the ruins, quickly finding the titan where it stood motionless. The beast she pinpointed on the opposite side of the ruins, curled up as if sleeping and yet wide awake. That left the leader, the mantis...

She couldn't find it, no matter how she tried. Fiyu began to panic before remembering that they were safe in her bubble of stealth. Since they were still unseen, she lowered the sleigh down toward a large set of flagstones, where their fighting would be less likely to cause damage.

Still invisible, she led their group toward a pair of second stage humanoids. No longer such a grave threat, yet capable of damaging the ruins with their weapons. Fiyu approached and slit their throats before they could even react. She was relieved when Friend Nauda caught their bodies and lowered them silently.

They moved down what had once been a street, killing a few small demons along the way. Some roared when they entered her sphere, but their sounds were muffled and Associate Krikree killed them the next instant. It seemed that all would go well... until Fiyu spotted another bestial demon ahead.

This one was merely a first stage, not so different from the other base demons. But the bestial variety were stronger than average for their stage and generally had better cantae resistance. It was a terrible error to have missed this one in addition to the larger demon.

An insectoid screech broke through the darkness. Fiyu's senses swept behind her and she finally found the mantis: it stood over the bodies, calling to all the others.

Fiyu's voice caught in her throat, but she managed to whistle.

As soon as she gave the signal, Friend Theo cast a reversed gravitational field. Demons all across the ruins, who had begun moving toward their leader, suddenly tumbled into the air where they could do no harm. Even the beast she had been worried about floated upward, thrashing in all directions but unable to gain purchase. She had forgotten that Friend Theo's fields were far stronger now.

Fiyu released a bolt of cantae toward the mantis, hoping to kill it before everything became worse. To her surprise, it dodged aside and then seemed to melt into formlessness. As it did so, demons all around the battlefield quivered.

Most were helpless, but flying insectoid demons took to the air. Ordinarily they were weak and used for scouting, but they were capable of flying under their own power.

If the insectoid forces had attacked, they would have been annihilated. Instead, they swarmed around some of the second stage demons, pulling them to the ground. As soon as they arrived, they gripped claws or weapons into the stone. Not only were they becoming a threat and closing on them, they were damaging the ruins.

"Theo, stop them!" Fiyu's shout shocked her, but there was no time for hesitation. "Krikree, kill the grounded demons! Nauda, track the largest!"

Friend Theo cast a second gravitational field and many of the insectoid demons crumpled in on themselves, dying instantly. Other demons had reached the ruins, but Associate Krikree rushed through them, decapitating one after another with a cleaver.

Still no sign of the mantis, which slipped away from her...

The greatest threat stirred: the third tier bestial demon roused itself and began moving toward them in a decidedly intelligent fashion. It was built heavily, as if for charging, and her breath caught as it began to thunder forward.

Just before it could smash through one of the old buildings, the flagstones underneath its feet rose and launched it into the air. Fiyu was surprised to see that Friend Theo had managed to lift a flagstone with minimal damage to the environment. More importantly, it gave her an opening.

Fiyu raised her hands and unleashed a storm of light into the demon. Her bolts sent the beast hurtling away from the ruins. The sudden light illuminated the forms she could already sense: demons thrashing in the air, decapitated bodies floating, the titan approaching...

The titan. In her concern to find the mantis, Fiyu had neglected it for too long, and it was raising a club for a sweeping blow.

Even if Fiyu could kill the demon with a lightburst, its body and club would crush the ruins. She desperately extended her senses and discovered only despair. Her bolts had failed to penetrate the bestial demon's armor and it was getting to its feet, preparing to charge into the ruins. Worst of all, she could barely feel glimpses of the mantis, whispering through the ruins, claws sliding against one another, ever closer...


Chapter 18

Before the titan could swing its club, Friend Nauda acted. She had sprinted during the brief cantae illumination and then leapt to reach the titan. Her blow to its chest struck so forcefully that it was knocked up into the air. The enormous body fell backward, threatening to flatten everything below.

Again Friend Theo assisted, casting a gravitational field that kept the titan in the air. Its intrinsic cantae resistance was more powerful than any of the other demons and it fought against his technique, trying to reach the ground. Friend Nauda leapt into the air atop the enormous chest and stabbed her staff down at its eyes.

Fiyu raised her hands to assist them. If the titan was eliminated, the battle would be essentially won. All she needed to do was-

Mantis claws rasped behind her.

That sound was burned into her memory and Fiyu should have frozen. This mantis demon was her worst nightmare, since it was able to slip through her senses and approach her unseen. Despite her best efforts, it had moved behind her for a killing strike.

But Fiyu was no longer the child she had been. A lance of darkness burst from the ground, impaling the mantis, severing one limb, and spearing through the head.

It survived on raw malice, still trying to reach her with its remaining claw. Fiyu whirled and decapitated it with her cantae blade before watching the body slump to the ground. The demon was dead. She had survived the threat. All her companions were safe, so the only concern was...


As soon as Associate Krikree called out, Fiyu expanded her senses beyond the battlefield. Immediately she realized her error: the bestial third stage demon had returned far sooner than she had expected. It would have already trampled over the ruins if not for Associate Krikree.

Yet the small Slescan was being overwhelmed. She was strong for a Ruler, but this bestial demon was a match for an Authority. It knocked Krikree to the side with a toss of its head and then charged toward the ruins.

For once, Fiyu's senses betrayed her. She could sense the demon easily, but all her direct lines of attack were blocked by buildings. Her new strength as an Authority was useless, because even though she could slice through the obstacles easily, that would be worse than the demon's charge. Worse, she realized that Friend Nauda and Friend Theo were too far away, killing the titan while making sure it didn't collapse on the ruins.

Fiyu summoned bands of darkness to wrap around the demon's legs, trying to slow it down. But she had yet to finish soulcrafting her room enhancing her darkness technique and it was not enough.

Friend Theo had noticed as well. He turned back, casting a gravitational field, yet it was equally insufficient: the bestial demon managed to resist the effect and moved too fast to be caught by a flagstone again.

Just when Fiyu began to despair, a bright line lit up across the battlefield. It wasn't cantae, simply a light that appeared only in the raised dust and smoke. The end striking the demon seemed to cause no harm and her senses tracked the beam backward to the source.

Ally Navim stood atop one of the ruined buildings, projecting the light from his vantage point.

It made no sense at first, then abruptly a blue beam of cantae rushed down the line of light. When it struck the demon, it was far from harmless: the cantae sent the beast staggering to the side, collapsing before it could trample the ruins.

Even that was insufficient, for such a durable high stage demon. But the charge had been broken, and that bought them enough time. Friend Theo absorbed the titan into his singularity and then closed his hands around it, tunneling his technique into the beast. It had time for a final roar before it was sucked into the void.

Just in case, Fiyu extended her senses over the entire ruin. As far as she could tell, there were no more threats. A few lesser demons still floated in the gravitational field, but now that Friend Theo had ascended, he was never overextended. All threats had been eliminated.

Fiyu breathed a heavy sigh and floated into the air. Too late she realized that she could have flown to attack the demon from a better vantage point. Would a lightstorm have been enough to stop the charge, and could she have controlled it enough to avoid damaging the ruins at such an angle? She was very glad that she did not need to find answers to those questions.

"I am very impressed, Navim." Fiyu remained hovering beside him and smiled. A moment later she realized that was invisible to him and generated some cantae so she would be visible. "That was a powerful technique."

"The only one I had soulcrafted on my Ruler floor, and intended for cutting gemstones." Ally Navim sank down atop the roof, every limb settling into resting position. "If anything, witnessing this battle proved to me that I am not cut out for combat."

"Still, you placed yourself in a strong position and took action when needed."

"In the spirit of intellectual honesty, I must tell you that I only climbed up here to be safe from the chaos of the battle."

Meanwhile, the others began cleaning up after the fight. Fiyu had taken a distinct impression of the ruins beforehand and now examined it again: a few stones were scraped and a few flagstones disrupted, but they had kept damage to a minimum. If the others succeeded in their cleanup, they would be able to present the Arbaians with a nearly pristine ruin when the eclipse ended.

According to the predictions, they still had a considerable amount of time before light returned. Perhaps it had not been so close after all.

Friend Theo had retained his singularity and now Associate Krikree was enjoying herself tossing demon corpses into it. Perhaps she had too much fun: Fiyu hastened to prevent her from grabbing any of the ruins in her enthusiasm.

By the time murky light began to spill over the ruins, their work was done. All demons had been erased and all debris blown away. Ally Navim had ventured into one of the buildings to assemble anything of historical significance so that it could be presented to the guards when they arrived. Even the return of the blinding sun was not enough to dampen Fiyu's mood.

"Are there any sublime materials in the ruins?" Friend Theo asked. Even though he was floating under his own power, he had his legs locked and his arms folded, as if irritated with the sky.

"I think that is unlikely," Fiyu told him. "These ruins have not always been as dangerous as they have been recently, so they have been explored. Most likely only items of scholarly value remain."

"Hmph. Guess it was too much to hope for."

In some ways, it was comfortable to see that Friend Theo was back to being concerned with sublime materials. Before Fiyu could think of a way to respond to him, she heard a new cry from within the ruins.

"What? What?"

They glanced at one another, then flew to find Associate Krikree. Friend Nauda had been closer, so they only caught up with her as they all ventured inside one the central intact buildings.

Fiyu didn't need to arrive at the door to know that Ally Navim and Associate Krikree stood within. Not in any danger, simply examining something in the center of the room. The ruins were all stone of the same density except, she now realized, a large block within the floor. Denser rocks surrounded what she now realized was a pit filled with softer stone.

When they stepped inside, Krikree straightened up and pointed at the center. "What."

"Our friend is asking the question that previous explorers of these ruins did not." Ally Navim straightened from the pit and regarded them. "I have read about the process: when this stone is mixed with water, it becomes an exceptionally powerful sublime mortar. As you might imagine, this methodology is not commonly known on Arbai."

"Interesting." Friend Theo floated closer to examine the stone and began to nod. "I can see it now. Depending on the mix of ingredients, it will become potent. Hmm... flexible, then highly durable when it dries?"

"I would need to consult historical sources before I create the mixture. However..."

"Would this be theft?" Fiyu asked breathlessly. She could see great potential in the sublime material, yet she did not want to do anything to harm Ally Navim. Stepping up beside him, she swept her senses over his limbs for any hint. "I do not wish to impose on you, but this material seems to have great potential."

"I think, given the circumstances, this would be reasonable compensation." Ally Navim turned his gemstone past all of them. "After all, it was agreed-upon that the ruins had been thoroughly looted and that anything remaining had been lost to demons. It would be uncharitable to create a precise ledger of materials already lost, would it not?"

"Excellent." Friend Theo began to apply gravity to the softer stone. "Let's extract this and then get ready to tell the guards the good news."

Everyone hurried to assist, which meant that Friend Theo was again giving commands. This allowed Fiyu to release tension she had not realized she had still been holding.

Her plan had not solved everything, but it had helped. That was enough.



One thing I really enjoy about this story is that their looting reflex is triggered by things like magic mortar


sublime cement, get.

Runcible Technician

Poor Fiyu having to be bossgirl. She did good though.


Kinda funny that high rank soulcrafting gets are magic items of immense power…and cement

Irakli Jishkariani

Haha, I feel proud of fiyu for stepping up. And leading for first time without disaster, close call but not disaster 😄😄


Now for the cement to make its prime debut in making a slide and balcony 😉