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Sorry that I don't have more chapters for you this week. After next week I hope the remaining chapters should come out without interruption.

Fortunately, I have some fun art for you, in part thanks to the indefatigable Lamsey! The above is the newest soulcrafting tutorial, which you will want to read even if you saw my previous post on this subject, because this has new info. For those who may be confused by Patreon's formatting, this is a gallery with 13 images.

Meanwhile, we have an unexpected piece of art in the form of another sketch from RobotCat! You may recall them as the person who previously did fanart for The Brightest Shadow. Well, check out their latest sketch:

It's a slightly alternate take on the characters, which I strongly encourage! Otherwise, I think it's identifiable as a scene from the first book. How do you guys feel about this? If readers/patrons are enthusiastic, you could see this piece finished, along with others and potentially full covers!

Anyway, that's all for now. You can look forward to a soulcrafting tutorial going into detail on the Five Transcendent Monuments, with some crunchy diagrams, but that won't happen until well after this book is complete. See you next week!




Oh that's very cool! I would love to see individual characters get full covers in this style (not to mention future characters). :)


Fiyu calling spoilers "storybetrayals" sent me lol

Runcible Technician

Here is my enthusiastic vote for more dynamic art! This is definitely a 'take my money' moment if it means book covers like that!


That sketch is incredibly good, wow. While the existing book covers are quite nice, they're sort of...sedate, so this style might be more marketable. Could really grab the weeb demo! My only complaint about the art would be that Fiyu looks really young. She's supposed to be like 17 or 18 right? In the art she looks, like, 12 or something? Harder to tell cuz she's in the back, but she looks much younger than Theo or Nauda. Typo in there "Chronciles" though.

Donncha crowley

I prefer diagrams of soul homes with new basement , corporal floor, etc to above chat even showing Theo and there’s current progress would be better


I really like this - makes me hunger for more social dynamics in the rest of the Nine Worlds


Yeah, this sketch is a proof of concept, so typos and other such details would be corrected. I didn't read Fiyu that way, but I can see what you mean. She's meant to be slender, but the proportions of her body might be more childlike (I'm not very good with this aspect of anatomy). Something to consider.


Sorry you didn't like it. I can assure you that diagrams of everyone's soulhomes after this book, including a lot of new information, will be coming!

Nathan Rice

Oof, Nauda and Tythes sound like they had tough childhoods.

Conrad Wong

Ahahaha, Almighty Tythes bursting in like a photobombing. ^.^;;


I'll admit I am always a bit bummed to see these instead of a chapter.... then I read these and generally enjoy them even more. Love the world building and the thought process you put in behind the scenes, thanks for the little peaks


Yeah, in this pic she doesn't really have a curve going from waist to chest area, which reads as more childlike to me. The mask may also be contributing, I'm not certain.


Wow, I honestly love all of their cute little expressions over the course of that conversation.