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The third book in my The Brightest Shadow series has now been released! You can find it here:


While this isn't the conclusion of the entire story, this does complete a trilogy that wraps up many loose ends (sans epilogue). It's been quite a road getting to this point and the whole series is almost a million words!

Some of you have already had a chance to read this one, and I'd appreciate you guys leaving reviews if possible. Everyone else, check it out if you're interested. ^-^

I didn't plan it, but there actually will be one more update on the blog, clarifying the power rankings in the Maenhu regions. I'll link that next week along with a return to TWC chapters. But before then, I'll be doing an AMA on r/progressionfantasy on Tuesday, so please look forward to that!



Ferlin Sutton Léo

Loving it so far. I think found a typo page 46 (chapter 2) > He's met with his Archlieutentants several times, however. I could take a message, if you want."

Runcible Technician

Was looking forward to this quite a bit. Any news on when it'll be up on Audible?


I really enjoyed it and hope the series continues. I will say, I'm not sure I'd call it progression fantasy, but rather epic fantasy combined with cosmic horror? I will say, without spoilers, that the last section stepped pretty close to grim dark for me, but I still enjoyed it quite a lot. Left a review on Amazon, good luck with the sales!


Glad you enjoyed it! I was aiming for progression fantasy by way of wuxia epics, but you're far from the only one to feel that it doesn't fit. You're the Evan Carden review, right? If so, appreciate the early review! Really helps to have one early on these slower books.


Audible claims my pre-order will be downloadable November 22.

Irakli Jishkariani

I just finished reading the story. And now I am left with thirst of more of story and mild ache because I felt connected emotionally with characters while reading. And this time maybe I feel it more than in other situations because this story was really good. If you decide to continue this series, although weirkey chronicles is most amazing 😀😀😀, I will definitely read it. Thank you. I don't wish you burnout at all, so take care and take your time.


I appreciate you leaving me a note. I'm glad to hear that the story could touch you. ^-^ I can't make promises about my work in the future, other than that I will always be direct with readers about my current goals.