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As mentioned last week, I don't have a backlog of content of lore, blueprints, and other material to cover the interim between books. Some, but not enough. This poll is to give everyone a chance to vote anonymously about what they think is best, but feel free to comment if you want.

I've preferred to use Patreon as a fan community instead of a product, which is why I set the chapters tier low instead of pushing monetization. That said, I understand that some will leave in between books. For those of you sticking around, tell me which of the following appeals most to you.


Timothy Alexander

I would say drop any content when you have it ad-hoc, but a (short) weekly update is also nice, just to hear how things are going and how you are getting on with the next book. Doesn't need to be big, just a couple of lines: "hi I'm still alive, wrote a couple of extra chapters to round out the next book this week, plenty of editing left to do!"


I'm a huge proponent of what you can when you can. Occasional updates on how things are goin ( when you feel like it) would definitely be nice, but if there really isn't stuff to post weekly, then no need to force updates. I'd say post major content when it's there, if there's occasional minor content that's coo too.


Nobody wants to do a weekly status report :-) Post whenever you have something meaningful. Happy to support you so no need to pause in the interim.

Alexander Dupree

If you have content I'd be down to pay for it but I really don't want to pay and for you to feel obligated to create something that's not there.

Runcible Technician

You don't have to do weekly stuff for me to be a continuing patron. Put up whatever you think is cool.

benjamin ireland

I think it's also important for you the author to have a break, i reckon it would be nice of you would consider this like a paid vacation. 😀


I chose “patreon pauses during break” option, as that is my preference, but honestly, I will stay subbed even if you keep charges going as long as you do a basic update each week (something as simple as “hi, I’m still alive, expect there to be X number of weeks until new chapters are posted”)

Andrew Shovelton

I find the survey results really heartwarming. Im all for continuing to support my favorite artists even during some much deserved vacation time.