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Happy holidays, everyone! Wherever and whenever this post finds you, I hope that you're doing well. ^-^ I come bearing presents, with something for every tier:

  • Above, you can see fancy new blueprint images for Theo and Nauda, again courtesy of Lamsey. Theo is getting near the completion of the first stage of his blueprint, Nauda has a huge amount of rebuilding in store for her in the next book, and Fiyu will get a major focus in the book after that!
  • For $5 backers, I've finally uploaded the collected version of TWC4. Just because it's easier to read, and as thanks for your support.
  • The image pack has been neglected for a while, but $10 backers can now download a new version. This was a big update, adding over a hundred images and bringing the uncompressed version over a GB of data. If you want high resolution versions of covers, or a collection of all the little images I've posted various times, this is the place to go. I could try to gather fanart as well, if people are interested.

That's all for now, I hope you all have lovely holiday seasons!



Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the cool pictures and all the great stories. Merry Christmas.


I recognize the telescope and armament rooms in nauda's blueprint, but what are the whispy thing and the glowing rock? I'm sure I'm just forgetting details :)


Thanks! Merry Christmas!


Thank you and Merry Christmas


Northwest: staff armament Northeast: telescope Southwest: beast skull Southeast: nullstone Tower: storage chest The idea is to show her trying to salvage her sublime materials from the rubble - these items previously would have been on higher floors, and she's trying to dig them out.


Looking at the blueprints and re-reading TWC4. I am curious are weirkeys forged or made?


Enjoy your break and thank you for persisting with this story. Much appreciated


Merry Christmas!


A good question... that you'll have to wait to have answered later! The series is named after them, but their role will expand in later books.


Is it authority or stronghold that one can enter another's soulhome if they are invited? Just curious if Theo ascends to Authority if he could help Nauda rebuild


Can't do that at Authority, but look forward to some follow-up on this subject in this book.


Could Theo make a tool for Nauda like repulse field of gravity to help some of Nauda broken bricks float. Something she could take into her soulhome and activate for short bursts of time?


Making tools for other soulcrafters will actually be an essential part of the process eventually, but it isn't possible until they're much stronger. Their arc in the fifth book will involve fundamental design.


So possible for Theo to make an armament or series of them for himself. Like focus gravity plates to use. Or hover boots like Link had in Zelda. But nothing like tools yet. Though it would be interesting to Theo make null gravity plates for his soulhome


Weird things that read about and ponder about late at night. I know you were wanting to use anti-mass more and show its versatile nature. But I am curious since Theo is limited on how many gravity fields he could use at one time. Couldn't he use anti-mass as a way to keep himself flying in the air? https://www.npl.washington.edu/av/altvw14.html The link discusses the way anti mass could theoretically keep one floating away from the ground. With math equations 😒 skip the math since it's not as much fun. Though reading up on anti-mass was kind of fun. I died when I was reading a different article about how pushing on anti-mass would send the object in question backwards. So maybe not flying around with it. But more orbital/high in the air bombardment techniques. Though it would be funny watching Theo keeping people up in the air and them trying to reverse it making themselves go higher


Interesting article! Some of that is in the works, but it also included some elements I hadn't considered. The idea of anti-inertia in high energy contexts sounds pretty dangerous, now that I think about it. Theo will absolutely be able to use his gravity techniques to fly eventually, he just can't right now. As of the beginning of the fifth book, his anti-mass skill is only strong enough to slightly bend the arc of moving objects. I feel like actually altering mass (as opposed to fields) should scale slowest, due to the energy/mass relationship.


Yeah energy to mass rules are kind of "heavy". 😂😂😂 couldn't resist Though if cantae was positive charged. Or anything with positive mass fell into the singularity. Theo would have electricity for days...if only Theo knew how to build a computer or was an electrician and could wire his soulhome with electricity 🤣🤣🤣 Though I feel like Theo almost needs airducts to move the cantea in various rooms to make his techniques work with vents that open and close so he could build some weird techniques. Like from anti-mass and mass chambers to create a binding technique to keep some of his opponents at a distance from him. And I kind of want him to build a ship/car with an anti-mass/mass engine to fly around now. Though making Theo so he can turn into anti-mass and repel everything around him would be interesting. Probably give him whiplash though. Multiple people barreling down on him. He dodges everything but ends up in traction because bodies don't bend like that


With Nauda rebuilding her soulhome, will we get to see her change her concepts and abilities? Before she was strictly organic but no real theme to her building other than that. Will she be able to stay organic but maybe build up abilities to work within that organic theme. Like plant based, or becoming like a beast tamer.


I don't want to reveal too much, but she is absolutely going to address this head on in this book.


Perfect. Hopefully Theo mentions windows and a few other advance techniques to help her remake her soulhome more in line with his and Fiyu's soulhomes. Maybe have Fiyu teach her how to make glass for her windows. If you had a sublime beast as a bonded companion how would that work?


Sublime beasts can go one of several ways. If it's a reasonably intelligent animal, you could develop a single chamber to strengthen your connection but it will develop separately from you. There are also more complex co-development strategies that the series will get to eventually.


Oh I hope Fiyu, Theo or Nauda goes with one of the complex co-development strategies. And has one later on. If you started with it as a baby/cub/chick to start with. Could you start with a single chamber and work towards the complex. Or do you need to make it complex to start?


Sorry, I'm going to have to defer that issue until later. Both are possible, but it depends on a lot of factors.


Okay. Maybe once the series is done we can have a soul crafting companion book to detail all the many ways some of the complex soulcrafting is done