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I could go over various things. I released four books this year, along with multiple audiobooks and various serials. Reporting on various numbers isn't really important compared to sharing some reflections that, fair warning, are overall negative. If you don't care about that and just want to have an impact on the future of this Patreon, skip to the numbers at the end.

I ended 2020 a much more cynical author than I started it. The year contained a number of experiments and I largely didn't like the results. I wanted this pen name to be the one where I followed my writing passions, but I'm now unsure if I belong in this genre.

I'm going to finish what I've started. TWC2 and TWC3 are written. TBS2 and a standalone called Blades Falling Softly will be coming out on schedule. I don't like leaving things unfinished, so you can be certain that I'll continue to move those stories forward to their conclusions. However, I'm going to be redirecting my energy in a number of ways.

This isn't the first time. I had a successful career writing romance that I eventually stepped away from to pursue work I was more passionate about. The difference, it seems, is that I had a more realistic view of the romance genre's audience. I'm not sure when/if I'll spin up something new, but for the time being expect a steady pace on the series I've begun.


This Patreon will remain open as a place for you to support me if you want. When I'm posting chapters they'll keep to a consistent schedule, but it won't be year round. I no longer really care about reader numbers, the Patreon is more about fun rewards for people who want to see more of my work. So I wanted to talk to you as supporters about a number of potential changes and what they would be worth to you.

1) Naming Rights: First, a fun one. The idea is, at this tier you would get to name a character or sublime material. This wouldn't be creative control, since I'd have to veto anything ridiculous and make it fit the setting, but it could be a way of putting your mark on the story. Would people be interested in this if I added tier(s) for it?

2) Chapter Tier Increase: Several people have messaged me saying that I should charge more for early chapters. I don't want to create a lot of complex tiers, and I'd also feel bad raising prices on people who can only afford $1. I think this one is unlikely to happen, but please give opinions about a $2-5 tier so I have a clear picture of what people think.

3) Further Ahead Tier: Another option would be to post larger groups of chapters further ahead of time. Nothing complex, maybe dumps of ten or so chapters at once. Since I write books well ahead of what I'm currently posting, that's no obstacle, so throwing in too many tiered releases is more of a concern for me, plus whether or not people are interested.

4) AMAs or Special Posts: Some authors have success with special posts where they let people ask them questions, chat, or do other fun stuff, but I don't know. It sounds easy in theory, but I also answer pretty much any question I get asked anyway. 

5) Misc: Speak up if there's something else you'd like to see.

I believe that's all for this review. Please give opinions on the tier questions, if you have thoughts. Otherwise, have a happy new year!



I hope that the people that support you here can help balance out the negativity. You're one of my favorite authors, and I hope you do continue writing in this genre.


I would happily support a higher tier, either for earlier chapters or just because.


Loved your books but I can imagine that you feel a bit jaded about everything if it didn't meet your expectations. What I hope is that you don't loose drive to write the stuff you feel passionate about even if it becomes more of a side project for for the time being, anyway I hope you will have a great coming year and that it will give you the inspiration moving forward ☺️ P.S. I do think that you can add more tiers you were quite prolific so if it allows us to consume more of your work I think that at least some people would pay some more.


I am agonized to hear things have not been going well as I feel that you are one of the veeeeeery few authors who is actually writing fresh and interesting things in genres dominated by cishet male power fantasy bullshit. <3 Now, I have not been the best at paying attention so is it possible to ask for more information behind the reflections?


I'd second this. I know the fans of the genre tend pretty towards the lowest common denominator, but I wonder if there is more to Sarah's insight than that.

Austin Caudill

I'm sorry to hear things haven't been going as well for you. I for one have been reading all of your books, and the Weirkey Chronicles really have me hooked. I really enjoy your writing style and the fresh ideas and mature writing it's bringing to the genre.


I personally feel like you could easily increase the amount you charge for early chapters. People who can't afford it still get to read things for free just a bit later.


I only support a couple of patrons but yours is one of the few I have considered that doesn't hold people hostage. By this I mean we actually get more chapter per week instead of an X amount of chapters when you buy in. It feels more rewarding to have continued value then a one time binge.


In terms of answering your questions: 1.) This isn't something I'd be interested in, but since you're (wisely) retaining veto rights I don't see any harm in allowing it if it's something people want. 2.) I actually bumped my membership up to the $5 level just because I wanted to show more support. I think $1 is an absolute bargain for what you publish here in a month. 3.) I like the current release cadence, and enjoy having chapters to look forward to each week. I probably wouldn't read the bulk drops, as I find that larger delays between chapters makes it harder to keep track of where I am in the story. I do know that some stories (like Worth The Candle) release like this, so maybe there's a group that prefers this style. 4.) AMAs are great, but suffer from issues of timing in my experience. I certainly don't think they'd hurt. Approaching it as a reward for existing fans (especially if you're willing to expand on lore or pull back the curtain a bit) as opposed to a way to pull in new fans definitely seems like the right way to go. 5.) As mentioned in another comment, I'd love to hear more about what you think the issues in the genre are, or a breakdown on why you don't consider your efforts here as successful as you'd like. I'm a huge fan of seeing how the sausage gets made, but if it's not something you want to talk about I respect that, too. I want to thank you again for all the hard work you've put into your books. You're one of the standout authors in the Gamelit/Progression Fantasy genre in my opinion and if you decide that continuing to write in the genre isn't for you I'll respect that but be sad that we're losing such great talent.

Alexander Dupree

Sorry to hear your experience has been negative I like your work and especially the street cultivation universe

Alexander Dupree

I don't know much about the community as aside from the Cradle subreddit and a few patreon I follow I'm not really in touch with it all. I found most recommended books to be gross self-insert power fantasy with 0 empathy or complexity so I bailed on the subs or forums. I really enjoy your writing and I hope you continue with this pen name or at least continue with the cultivation genre in general.


If you're misaligned with the genre's audience, then that may be evidence you're more aligned with mainstream audiences. Have you floated any of your series to publishing houses? The Weirkey Chronicles for one are reminiscent of The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. The issue with niche genres is they appeal to a specific need that readers seek to fulfill. A Tale of Two Cities would flop on Royal Road. Jin Yong's works probably would as well. Yet they're exceptional. Granted an editor may request you change a lot of things, so if you're not open to that dynamic then a publishing house wouldn't be fun for you.


Your work is great and I am excited for anything you release in the future and grateful for what you have published. I can relate to the frustration of it not working out and I would just like to say, I hope that as time goes on so does your reputation as a great author. That said, the biggest draw for me to patron your work was for early access to the chapters. If you offered a release of even earlier chapters for more, that's what I would pay for.

Cameron C

I really think you are one of the more talented gems in the genre. Your TWC series is genuinely one of the best ideas I have seen as a fantasy story, and I really look forward to seeing where that story goes. I appreciate it really comes down to what you can afford to do with your time, so I understand the frustration. I will say that it may be that this year is a bad year for writers ? But I don’t have enough context - you probably have more insight than I on that. I look forward to seeing more from you, right now I’ll give anything from this pen name a chance.


Thanks for the feedback on tiers. I'd be interested in hearing what kinds of things would be most interesting to you in return for those tiers.


I appreciate the kind words, and hope you look forward to the rest of TWC!


Thanks for the feedback on tiers. For the record, however, I will likely stop posting chapters on RoyalRoad once I've completed what I promised.


Thanks for the feedback on tiers. If I'm understanding you correctly, you're supportive of the current system versus larger sets. I'm glad you spoke up, because I was worried only certain sides would voice opinions.


Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions in detail! Your support is also greatly appreciated. ^-^ I'll think more about AMAs, especially if others chime in. I'm a worldbuilder by nature, and my current projects have a huge amount of detail that will probably never get into books, so I'm very open to answering questions. Some would just get RAFO answers, though. On the industry, see my response above. I completely respect the desire to know more, but think I'm not necessarily in the best vantage point to give a lot of opinions.


It's a good question. I chose to self-publish because a number of authors told me that traditional publishing involves just as much promotion and work, you just have to jump through additional hoops as well. Some of my works are where they should be (Street Cultivation is heavily read on Kindle Unlimited, for example), but I'd consider traditional publishing for others. At the moment, however, I intend to worry less about this and focus on telling some stories I think are worthwhile. They'll end up where they end up.


Hell yeah I'd name a thing! Mostly I support you just to support you though. Not really to get anything. Like I read all you KU books and just wanted to do more because they were just that good. Now I want to know your pen name for romance novels to see if I'd like any of those...


I’m sorry to hear the year didn’t turn out the way you hoped. Please take care of yourself and know that your creative takes on these genres really stand out in the sea of generic plots and worldbuilding.


Hey, glad to see someone enthusiastic about that part! We'll see if it happens. As for other names, I'm afraid I'm pretty serious about keeping them separate.


I have purchased a bunch of your published novels, and only found this method of support recently. I absolutely enjoy the work and it would be an absolute loss for the genre if you left. I feel like everyone nowadays wants monthly payments, I still prefer paying for the books and binge reading, I just can’t wait for the content. I wish you the absolute best of luck!


I definitely think you should increase the early chapter patron amount, $1 a month is an insane bargain. I think at the very least it should be increased so that anyone who is using this patron and not purchasing the books after they come out are still paying full price for the books. (I haven’t done a cost analysis so I don’t know how the numbers shake out but I’d definitely pay more than $1 a month). I really enjoy your books in part because they’re not a crazy teenage boy power fantasy. You have realistic characters interacting within their worlds that are just fun to read.


Huh thought I had commented. Well don't want to retype so super short cliff notes: naming things is cool (though I am broke and thus wouldn't do it right now), different early chapter tiers would split comments further but are okay price/benefit wise. And xianxia and litrpg are super niche currently with most output being pretty bad and many readers being there for specific elements they like. (like power fantasies, I for instance read some otherworld litrpg mainly out of my general fondness for the concept of Portal fantasy.) Anyway someone suggested that traditional audiences might be a better fit for weirkey for instance and that might be right. Though I do read some xianxia and hope more people will base books I enjoy on it. Hmm rewrote more than I planned ^^

Jonathan Wall

First of all, I'm sorry your experience has been negative from readers in this genre. For my experience, you are one of the only authors I trust to put out good content consistently. Like, you and Brandon Sanderson lol. Reading your stories gave me an appreciation for emotional depth in characters I didn't realize I was missing until I tried going back to other litRPGs and realized they didn't feel as real as Rick. Your pacing never feels too fast or slow, even when I'm reading one chapter at a time. I remember following along as you released new chapters of SC years ago, and I would regularly close tabs on my phone of other stories I lost interest in, or preferred to wait for a bigger batch of chapters to read, but your story was the only one I refreshed the page on Saturdays waiting for the new chapters to come out. I found out you had other stories, and read all of NGM in like 3 sittings. Also your ideas are always intriguing and, even better, your ability to follow through is always satisfying. Like, a story about a poor man realistically working his way to a better life in a modern magic world with no special advantages is so much more interesting than another "chosen one" story. As a result Rick's gains feel more satisfying than any power up could have done. Not to mention your worlds are cool enough to speculate and get lost in, which is always a plus as a reader. I wish other authors had your emotional intelligence, worldbuilding skill and general writing abilities, not to mention your fortitude in always finishing your stories (seriously, what genie did you summon for that power?) and will continue to read anything you put out, in any genre. And in case you want to reveal your prior pen names, I don't normally read romance but experience tells me reading one you wrote would be refreshing. Hope this makes you feel better, as you've got a fan


I appreciate the feedback and kind words. ^-^ For the record, though, someone who follows on Patreon pays a not unreasonable amount per book, since I price them at $2.99.


This comment must have gotten eaten, because I didn't even get a notification. Thank you for taking the time to retype much of it!


Thank you for giving extensive feedback! I appreciate having you as a fan. ^-^

Runcible Technician

Brutal. But it's been a hell of year all around. Omfg, I never actually did a google search for the other pen name as an author outside the games. That's a lot of romance. Okay back to serious responses: Naming sublime material would be awesome and I love the idea as long there isn't any unobtanium ore or vibranium beams. I've always felt that getting chapters at the lowest tier was a ridiculous steal, I don't mind upping my tier to get them for the price of one pack of Magic the Gathering cards. Getting stuff early and in bulk is kinda meh. I like the comments under each chapter post as part of the experience. You guys are kinda my book club. AMA is pretty fun, but I got to enjoy reading the last one waaaay after you guys were done. Anything else I got to say is probably retreading familiar territory. We love your stories, take our money.


I'm sad to hear you are having second thoughts on what you can write in the genre. I really loved The Brightest Shadow and was looking toward much, much more of that world (I actually went to the patreon because of it, as I wasn't a fan of Street Cultivation and hadn't tried WC yet). I do think that it often takes a few books for someone to really manage to get a following, so I wouldn't be hasty about assuming the audience just isn't there.


Nice to hear from you! The sequel to The Brightest Shadow will be coming out in a few months, and though I was apprehensive, the people who liked the first book have been pretty positive toward the second. I also have an upcoming novella set in the same world that I hope you might like!

Robin Richards

I'm sorry that you haven't received quite the response to your efforts as you had hoped. I also didn't know that this was a pen name, but in retrospect the quality of your writing indicates this wasn't your first rodeo. 1. Naming Rights. This doesn't interest me that much I wouldn't necessarily dismiss it entirely if for instance this was a suggest and discuss option for the whole community at the level. I don't really want my suggestion to be in the book. 2. Chapter Tier Increase. I'm here for the early chapters because $1 is a bargain. Not sure I'd stick around if it increased especially the closer it gets to $5 3. Further Tier ahead. I like the drip, drip drip of individual or small number of chapter releases. It gives a chance to discuss the individual chapters in greater detail. I wouldn't be interested in further ahead or larger drops. 4. AMA's or Special posts. These I'm definitely interested in. TheSoulcrafting 101 post was excellent and the ability to ask follow-up questions was great. 5. Misc. World building is the other thing I'm interested in. It's obvious you put a lot of thought into your backgrounds and worlds and sometimes not all of that thought makes it into the book directly. I'd love to get a chance to peer behind the curtain from time to time. Ultimately though even if nothing on the Patreon interests me I'll still buy the books you've already announced and whatever Sarah Lin writes next it will at least be in my give it a try pile. Thanks for writing


Thanks for giving feedback on all questions! I'll keep in mind your thoughts about worldbuilding as a benefit. I can't put together something like Soulcrafting 101 easily, but I'm happy to answer questions.


I meant to comment on this... I have no idea how hard it is trying to self-publish, but I imagine it's quite a challenge. I have done some writing on my own, and I know how hard that is, especially to finish, which is something I've never been able to do. But your work is definitely above average, especially in the era of self-publishing. I have only actually dipped into your Weirkey story, as for whatever reason that has specifically caught my attention. That being said, I'm shocked that you're not hitting the goals that you've set for yourself. The reason I say that is because of the genre community you're writing in, I see you as one of the most recommended writers in the genre. You're definitely a cut above the rest, especially a lot of the rather mediocre writing on Royal Road. You won't chase me off by creating tiers or whatever you need to do, I will still be supporting your writing however I can.


Thanks for the encouragement, and your note on potential tiers. I'll definitely be continuing what I've started so far.

Froyo Baggins

Write what you want to write. Spec fic is huge and diverse and don't fee you have to stay boxed into litrpgish stuff. You're creative and it shows, create what you want. As someone who supports a lot of authors, I like that you're $1. You're safe from my next cull, but realistically, you still would be at $2 or $2.50. Everyone I support can't do that, but you can.


Thanks for the encouragement and especially feedback on tier levels.


OKay... naming rights - don't care. Please keep writing things I want to read. I loved Street Cultivation - I don't think you have finished that story, too many loose ends. I joined Patreon because I wanted to support you. I really like the weirkey chronicles so far. Don't listen to the critics who say he isn't "real". So far he seems perfectly relatable to me.