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This week's chapters are early because I need to leave for much of the day. I will be back to respond to comments later.

There's a fun worldbuilding element in this next chapter that I've been wanting to introduce since the beginning. ^-^


Chapter 21: A Jade Seal's Price

At multiple times in his life, Rick had thought he was surrounded by luxury. Some of the earliest times, when he had barely made it out of his family's trailer park, were a bit embarrassing now that he thought back to them. Other times he was correct in a limited sense, as when he'd entered the buildings of some of the largest firms.

Yet now, as he walked into the palace, he realized that this was a display of wealth like he'd never seen before. There was nothing ostentatious because they had absolutely nothing to prove to anyone. He walked on ancient marble past walls of rich cedar paneling, all of it thoroughly enchanted with ether. When there was a statue or a tapestry, he had no doubt that they were invaluable originals, not copies. Somehow he had imagined that immortals lived like celebrities, but now he understood how wrong he was.

A set of attendants funneled everyone entering into a central raised chamber, which prevented him from wandering through what was no doubt a huge estate. There Rick found himself slightly overwhelmed by a room absolutely filled with fighters. He didn't see a single untrained person, even the waiters carrying drinks having six figure generation rates.

Almost everyone else looked like they belonged, like they were actually comfortable there. Most were wearing the same formal robes he was, but those who weren't looked far more comfortable than he did. Whether the outdated clothing of Josiah or H's scruffy look, they didn't have a single care for what anyone thought of them. Rick felt completely out of place and was sure he looked like it.

"Hey, Rick!" Raggest pushed out of the crowd, grinning. He was wearing robes but hadn't even bothered to tie his belt. "Did you just get here? It's pretty boring. I thought that immortals would have all kinds of amazing training rooms, but they won't let us into that part."

"Are there..." Rick had to swallow to wet his throat, and was surprised when a waiter handed him a glass of what looked like wine. "Have you been here long? Is there going to be any kind of conflict?"

"Oh, I wish. No, everyone just wants to talk. I can totally see why Alger didn't bother coming along. But at least we have a chance to meet all our rivals!"


"The others who are going to be in the big fight tournament thing, of course. They didn't tell you? The immortals are resolving some kind of conflict indirectly by having us fight. The Showdown three days ago was just like the first round. Now we all get months to prepare and see if we can do better."

"Huh." Rick took a sip from the glass and found it surprisingly sweet, but decided not to drink any more. "So it isn't scheduled yet?"

"Not yet... but I'll see you there!" Raggest grinned and hit him on the shoulder. "You did pretty great in that match. I figured the medics would have to drag you out, but you actually survived a beam! I mean, I can do a bit worse than that, but even the weakest version is nothing to joke about. I'm really glad we met in Branton. You might be a rival for real."

Rick really had no idea what to say to that, but at that moment he was pulled aside. H gestured for him to follow and headed deeper into the party. Once they were away from Raggest, H spoke in a low voice.

"Josiah insisted on everyone being introduced. I don't like it, but it's not my choice. That's the only important thing you'll do this party. After that, just don't make a fool of yourself."

"How about I just keep my mouth shut?"

"Good plan."

H took him to a gathering circle containing a number of both fighters and immortals. Rick immediately saw James Travis, who gave him an unpleasant smile. The conversation was idle, but Rick quickly figured out that all the young fighters were those who were part of the immortals' bet and decided to look over his competition.

It seemed that each of the major powers was represented. A huge blond man carrying a lance was likely from Siberia, a woman whose age he couldn't determine represented China, and the thin man in traditional Nokan robes could not be easier to identify. From the conversation he gleaned that James was from England, but representing Germany and Europe. Several of them seemed to scorn the USA, though he held his tongue instead of pointing out that it was represented by two different people.

That meant that other than Rick, Alger was behind the only representative from the US. Maybe this was just an idle bet between immortals that meant nothing on the global stage, but that fact left Rick just a little uncomfortable. Eventually Raggest joined them, which only made the conversation more awkward due to his singular focus. It did take some attention off him, at least.

"What a fine collection of lads and lasses." Josiah entered the conversation, joining them with a wine glass in one hand. Rick automatically tensed. "But you... you there, lad, dark of countenance. Who do you represent?"

"I was born in the World Sculptor's court." The Nokan representative spoke with a sharp accent, apparently not offended by the blunt question.

"Ah, good show, then. You will forgive me my prejudice, but you must know how many savages surround the Nokan Empire."

"It has been our battle since time immemorial." The Nokan man's tone was impossible to read. Not that Rick thought he was great at reading people, but the man struck him as unreadable by anyone. His words could have been sincere, mocking, or bitter and Rick would have believed it.

Even if the Nokan man wasn't offended, several of the other representatives were clearly taken aback by Josiah wildly throwing out stereotypes. It would only be a matter of time before James or someone else linked the two of them, and Rick did not want to be in a position where he was trapped between insulting his sponsor and defending whatever outdated thing he said next.

As soon as he got an opportunity, he slipped away from the group. He'd seen his rivals now, though Rick felt no real animosity toward anyone but James. And honestly, even that vendetta was entirely one-sided. This wasn't his bet, after all, he was just a tool. His job was to try to gain as much as he could in the process.

Still, he felt just as uncomfortable everywhere else in the party. Rick wandered away from the central room, hoping to find a path that wasn't blocked off. To his surprise, he soon stumbled across a garden. The region nearest the main building was exquisitely kept, with perfect paths winding around several pagodas and a lake. There were people walking or seated there, but he saw fewer in the distance.

Once he got to the other side of the lake, Rick found that it was far quieter. No one was trying to talk to him now but he also saw no sign that he shouldn't be there. After setting down his wine glass, still mostly untouched, Rick stretched a bit and just stared skyward.

Honestly, the wine didn't tempt him because part of him just wanted to drink more Formula T. He had resisted taking the extra dose, but it was burning a hole in his inner robe pocket. His plan had been to take it if things went bad and his life was at stake, or at least that was what he told himself. Rick rubbed the vial through his robe, then continued wandering.

An enormous dog emerged from the garden ahead of him. Its head came up to his chest and the rest of it was huge, bulky with muscle and fur so dark it was more blue than black. Though he didn't know the breed, he thought it looked similar to a Tibetan mastiff. He could only just see its eyes through the fluff, but they glittered darkly at him.

Rick decided it was best to walk away before it could become aggressive. Maybe he wasn't supposed to be there after all. He took several steps backwards, only to have the dog shuffle forward, closing the distance.

His first instinct was to defend himself, but Rick realized a moment later that it was obviously a pet. Aside from the fact that a place this fancy wouldn't have wild animals roaming around, its fur had clearly been well-groomed. That meant that it was owned by their hosts, and they wouldn't take kindly to him touching a hair on its body, much less killing it.

Instead Rick turned away to run back to the party... only to find the dog rushing in front of him.

There had been so many powerful people at the party that Rick had stopped thinking too much about anyone's generation rate. Yet now he realized that his instincts weren't failing him: the dog was holding lucrim. Unless he'd gone mad, it had over six digits of lucrim, roughly 225,000. Was a dog stronger than him?

Taken off guard, Rick decided to escape as quickly as possible and find the attendants. He used a Bunyan's Step to leap part way across the pond, where he could chain several more together and reach the main party.

The dog let out a loud bark and then suddenly it was blurring in front of him.

Unsettled, Rick tried to Bunyan's Step in another direction, only for the dog to cut him off again. Impossible as it seemed, it wasn't just using raw lucrim or aura like the animals at the Peakless Wildlife Refuge, it was using a technique.

Its jaws opened, revealing a maw filled with large teeth, drool beginning to roll down. Panicking, Rick used another Bunyan's Step to shoot over the dog's head, then changed direction in midair. That bought him a moment of freedom, but suddenly it flashed in front of him again, barking loudly. Rick desperately used several more Bunyan's Steps, but each time he caught a glimpse of dark fur in front of him. Eventually his core was burning out and the dog was almost on him.

Crouching low to the ground, it began wagging its tail fiercely.

"Are you... playing?" Rick faked moving in one direction, but used his new footwork to cut off the movement. The dog partially leapt to block him, let out a happy woof, then hopped back. As they faked back and forth in several directions, Rick found himself smiling.

When the dog came forward, he didn't retreat. Though its jaws could probably tear off an arm, even without lucrim, it merely bumped its head against his chest in a friendly way and then licked his cheek. Rick automatically raised a hand to rub its head, then hesitated. It was clearly a pet, so perhaps touching it would be unwise...

"He likes if you scratch behind his left ear." He recognized the soft voice as the elderly Chinese woman who had granted him the seal. The dog did too, apparently, woofing happily at her.

"I hope it's okay that I played with him," Rick said, scratching the dog behind the ear. It leaned into his hand and let its tongue loll from its mouth.

"It's probably good for him. Too many strangers cause him stress, so he's happy to have someone to play with."

"Ah... I'm sorry, but I don't believe I've ever caught your name."

"You may call me Qing Shan."

Something about that name and the way she said it made him hesitate. He didn't recognize it, at least not consciously, but it might not be her real name. In any case, it was still a token of trust, so he inclined his head to her. "Thank you for your seal. I hope you don't regret it, now that I'm part of the bet."

"Oh, these bets are never simple things. I would not concern yourself over it." Qing Shan stepped closer, stood silently for a time, then placed a hand on the dog's back. "He also enjoys being thrown, since relatively few have the strength and the nerve."

"Thrown?" Rick glanced at the huge dog dubiously and it nuzzled at his hand. Yes, it was huge, but it was true that his strength was vastly increased with lucrim. Since the woman had clearly made a suggestion, he decided to try it, bending down to pick up the dog.

It immediately began to climb up into his arms, as if it was a tiny lapdog. Rick chuckled as it licked at his face, struggling just to get a solid grip. Eventually he managed it, then heaved, sending the dog sailing through the air into the empty part of the garden.

For a moment, he worried that the dog would hit something and he would be in trouble, but it flipped around in the air to land on its feet.

Then it charged. Rick's eyes widened as he saw the dog streaking toward him like a freight train. His instincts screamed to leap out of the way, but he braced his feet, summoned the Triune Golden Spheres, and let it collide with his chest.

So much weight slamming into him sent him staggering back several steps, but it hadn't been an attack. Enough to kill most people, but the dog was still just playing. It scrabbled at him, licking his face while he tried to get a better grip. After it let out a deafening bark into his face, Rick was fairly clear on what it wanted.

The second time, he threw the dog as hard as he could, sending it sailing so deep into the garden that it was lost in the trees. Rick heard a thump, then a rustling, then had to brace himself as a blue-black streak came for him.

After throwing the dog several times, it only seemed more eager, but Rick was starting to feel a bit tired. Fortunately, before he needed to make an awkward decision, Qing Shan uttered a single word in Chinese. The dog immediately dropped down onto all fours beside her, body completely still except its mouth, which panted in a doggish grin.

"Some laugh at the idea that animals can be good judges of character, but I have always found it useful." Qing Shan scratched the dog on the head and then began to walk deeper into the garden. "He clearly likes you. We should talk."

That sounded ominous, but he had no real choice but to follow. Since she didn't immediately ask him anything as they walked, Rick searched for a question to fill the silence. "I've never seen an animal with this much lucrim."

"Yes, I noted that you had experience with wild animals." As they walked, Qing Shan kept her hand resting on the dog's fur. "The stories are filled with mystical creatures, but they are later inventions. The truth is, the way that humans use lucrim is not natural, not in the sense of evolution. It is ultimately technology, allowing us to use natural lucrim in ways that far surpass any animals."

"Perhaps for you, but this dog here definitely surpasses me."

"Ah, but I meant wild animals. Dogs have been our companions for millennia, likely raised from aura wolves. They have been bred for a great many purposes... including, at times, effective use of lucrim. This one is a companion and guardian, but others are bred as true war dogs. Though never equal to the strongest warriors, they are the best companions a human could ask for."

"What about cats?" Rick asked. To his surprise, Qing Shan immediately sniffed.

"Cats should never be bred to use lucrim."

"You don't like cats?"

"I like them well enough, but if they gain that much power, they will kill people." Qing Shan smiled warmly and ruffled her hand through the fluff on the dog's head. "Not like our good boy here. Such a loyal beast, yes you are." She continued praising it in Chinese, her content obvious from her tone, and the dog woofed happily.

Seeing her speaking to the dog so casually made Rick relax a little. That immediately made him suspicious, wondering if she was manipulating him - even monsters loved their dogs, after all. But whatever else was the case, he thought her affection for the dog was genuine, and she had twice helped him. As they approached a pagoda separate from the others, Rick decided to ask another question.

"Other animals can do things that we can't, right? I thought some of the most lethal lucrim-based poisons couldn't be replicated even in labs."

"Oh, the natural world has produced a great many wonders." Qing Shan waved the issue aside, her face suddenly serious. She took a seat inside the pagoda and gestured for him to sit as well, the dog already placing itself over their feet. "But I did not call you here to discuss science lessons."

Rick swallowed. "Why, then?"

"Truth be told, I gave you the original seal for one primary reason: to disrupt Alger. Your performance was adequate, yes, otherwise I would not have bothered. But what concerned me most was his interest in you. Minor investigation into your past has revealed nothing of note, however."

"I... well, that's because I'm not really anyone of note. Alger just likes people he says have a warrior's spirit."

"Actually, I lied." Qing Shan gave him a narrow smile. "There is one notable thing: it seems that you've nearly been involved with Alger several times, but always escaped his orbit. That is unusual. His proteges tend to be like Raggest, overflowing with power and lacking in questions."

"Just how many have there been?"

"I couldn't tell you. The man seems capable of accomplishing so much at once that some have speculated he has an entire organization of agents, yet he seems to work alone. What I can tell you is that those he trains tend to have short and explosive careers, but they don't end well. Some of them have simply disappeared, and all evidence points to their deaths."

"That's... I knew something was off about him, but I didn't know anything about that." It was insane to think that Alger, the wackily-dressed man who had welcomed him to the Underground, could be someone so notorious. "But if you want me to tell you about him, I'm afraid I don't know much of anything."

"A pity. I suspected as much, but it was worth asking." Qing Shan regarded him coolly, the weight of her gaze making him wonder if she was even older than she appeared. Immortals usually adopted a young appearance, but perhaps... "Because Alger seems to care about this little bet, we care as well. One of my younger sect sisters is actually participating, but I am less concerned about that than in making sure that it ends well."

"What would that look like?"

"Alger's candidate not winning, of course. We would take a victory, but truthfully, a Nokan or Siberian victory would be equally satisfactory."

Rick waited a moment longer, but she didn't say anything about him and it obviously wasn't an accident. "But you don't want me to win?"

"I would weep no tears if you did. But this H who trains you has a poor reputation for breaking those he trains, and we are unclear on who he serves. Anyone with unclear loyalties is suspect."

"It isn't Josiah Craw?"

Qing Shan was silent for a time, staring out into the garden. "Josiah Craw hired H, and we don't know why. He has always been an eccentric, but it has been some decades since he participated in any such contests. My master believes that he must know something we don't about the contest, perhaps some reward or consequence."

Though Rick was curious who Qing Shan's master could be, the cool look in her eyes suggested this was not the time to ask questions. After a long pause, she continued.

"I would not ask you to be a spy, at least in part because I believe it would be ineffective. But for this moment, you have deniability. Any information you can give us would be useful."

So that's what it was all about. Rick considered carefully, since it was entirely possible that he was handing intelligence to his enemies. But Qing Shan had actually stood up for him first, before H had stepped in. Telling them a little wouldn't hurt.

"First," Rick said carefully, "I think that you might want to know that Alger was meeting with the Global Lucrim Authority..." He went on to tell what details he could, focusing on Alger since he didn't want to betray H directly. Still, the rumor that had been mentioned... even if it was meant to make him distrust H, Rick had to admit that he had other reasons to distrust the man.

When he finished, Qing Shan nodded slowly. "Anything else?"

"Well, there's this. It might be proprietary, but..." Rick reached into his robe and revealed the vial, but to his surprise, Qing Shan immediately waved it aside.

"Formula T? Perhaps a secret for most, but a known quantity to us. You are taking a great risk in using it, but I suppose you can make your own decisions."

"Huh." Rick hadn't expected it to matter so little, but didn't quite want to let it go. He had an impulse to drink it, and that was what pushed him over the edge. "Could you send this to someone? Secretly, I mean, without H or Alger tracking it."

"It's within our capabilities. Why?"

"There's a woman I know who does this sort of thing professionally. I think... she would like to see this. I've been meaning to send it to her, but I've never had a real opportunity."

An odd smile played on Qing Shan's face, but she reached out and took the vial from him. "That is a small favor to grant, after you have been so helpful. Yes, give us the address and we can send it to her."

Rick did so, handing over the vial with only a little regret. The night had gone in several different directions he never would have expected, but he thought this was a good result. Though he hadn't spoken to Lisa enough due to the recent chaos, he knew she would enjoy studying the Formula T. Before he could wander far into his thoughts, Qing Shan rose to her feet.

"After this, we will not contact you. Compete in the Showdown, prepare for the final contest, and do whatever benefits you personally. However, please keep in mind what I said. If Alger was interested in you once, he may still be. Believe me when I say that his concern for your well-being is more harmful than our self-interest."

With that, she swept away without a farewell. Rick was left thinking about everything that had happened. He still tried to tell himself that everything was great, since he was still being paid to train and had gotten through the crisis period. That was little comfort when an experienced immortal was expressing so much discomfort. It was hard to know what to do.

An enormous head dropped into his lap and the dog whuffed eagerly. Rick smiled and rubbed it behind the ear. Well, there was one thing he could do.


Chapter 22: Intermittent Conversations

Rick spent the rest of the party avoiding human interaction in whatever ways were available. Though the dog clearly would have been happy to sit or play with him forever, as time wore on, Rick realized that he would need to connect with his mentor and sponsor again. He didn't want to find out what would happen if Josiah Craw became truly impatient.

So he did a feeble imitation of socializing. Though he avoided the drinks, some of the food was amazingly good. He got the sense that there were serious politics going on among the immortals, but he was also aware that he was a piece, not a player. Even the immortals here were in the grip of larger social systems and bounds of propriety. It wasn't a life he wanted, just something he was sampling in an effort to take himself upward.

Toward the end of the party, one of the palace aides came and requested his Showdown card. Rick was skeptical for a moment, but he'd seen how the lives of the wealthy relied on certain assumptions of trust, and it wasn't like the card itself had great value. So he handed over the card and tried not to think about it, even though it wasn't returned at the end.

Eventually H showed up beside him and jerked his head toward the door. Josiah was saying farewell to some of their hosts, kissing the hands of all the women and vigorously shaking those of the men. Though Rick had been evading eye contact, when he looked up he saw several lanterns floating overhead, ferrying guests back to their homes.

Or the closest thing they had to homes, if they were competitors.

They were escorted back to their lantern by a young man and Rick found himself a bit disappointed that it wasn't the woman from before. He immediately kicked himself. She had been nothing but professional, it was just him getting distracted. Much of the time he could sink all other thoughts into training, but when he had to be around other people, sometimes other thoughts wormed their way to the surface. Perhaps a reason to do more training, then.

"Quite a bash, eh?" Josiah sat back and laced his fingers over his coats with a look of deep satisfaction. "I've always said it, the Orientals know how to host a man. They also usually have the decency not to allow lesser types into such functions. All very respectable. Even that Siberian fellow was a gentleman in the end."

H and Rick didn't say anything, nodding like bobble-heads.

"Ah, but on that subject, it is time to give you the fruits of your labor." Josiah reached into a pocket and revealed a card that he passed on to Rick. "I hadn't yet given you my stamp of approval, since this was all so irregular, but you seem an able young lad. And you did something right, because our hosts gave you a seal of their own. Two in one day, eh? Not bad for a night of amusements."

"Thank you, sir." Rick took the card and examined the new seals. One of them looked to be of the same shining ink as the first Jade Seal, but this one had an elaborate pair of characters. Though he couldn't read them, he thought they were familiar from some of the art he'd seen throughout the house. By contrast, the other seal was a metallic coat of arms with a tiny assortment of symbols he couldn't make out.

They were silent for a while, then Josiah began rambling in praise of their hosts again. It went on for a short time before H coughed slightly. "Master Craw, perhaps we should discuss our plans?"

"Oh, yes, I suppose." Josiah turned toward Rick and regarded him seriously. "I know that a vigorous young man like yourself must be eager to participate in the Showdown, but this competition between myself and my chums really is the higher priority."

"Has a date been set?" H asked.

"Not at the moment, so you have at least some months. Those are your instructions, man! Keep him in the Showdown and prepare him for the fight to come. We have yet to decide on the terms or venue, so you must be prepared for everything. I expect to see verve from you, lad! Verve and vigor!"

When they returned to Odiyu, Rick was gladder to see the demonic city than he'd thought possible. Josiah left him with a crushing handshake and left in his flying Model T, careening out at a frankly terrifying rate. If he passed over any urban areas on his way back home, the chance of an accident seemed quite high.

Apparently the party's length had been entirely predictable, because by the time they reached the road, a taxi had pulled up waiting for them. H was oddly silent as they entered, but when they started back to the hotel, Rick looked over at him and smiled.

"Horatio, is it?"

"Oh, don't start." H lit up a cigarette, then glared down the taxi driver when the man objected. "My parents were involved in these circles, and they thought 'Horatio' was a very modern-sounding name."

"You could just change it, or tell people to call you anything you want."

"Could, but we are what we are. Have you gotten the jokes out of your system yet?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk about training." Rick settled into his seat and tried to get back into the proper mindset. "Are you really going to pull me out of the Showdown to focus on the fight? I know we have a lot to work on, but that seems... I mean, at minimum, you wouldn't be earning any money off me, right?"

H puffed on his cigarette for a time, then slowly shook his head. "If I get my proper payment from this, it will make up for the rest. But you're not getting any bonuses for seals earned through parties, only from winning. What would be best is to focus on your lucrim growth. We won't worry about winning money or earning seals - three is plenty for someone who's only been doing this for a few months. I'll put you into events when they'll test you in the right way."

"That sounds like a good plan to me. Are we going to participate in the rest of the Showdown in Odiyu?"

"No, you've already shown all your tricks. No point trying to place in the remaining events. Better to use that time to prepare for the next one."

"Alright, where are we going next?"

"New Zealand." H saw his surprised expression and shrugged. "For a little island, they've had more impact on the world than most. They have a dragonweight and Australia doesn't. Go figure."

"It's still not a very big country, right?"

"Yeah. That means that the Showdown won't be huge there, including the prizes. You should still encounter some local Lucores, because they have a few tricks your defensive core needs to experience, but it should give you a month to train."

Rick was mostly glad to hear that, but his mind rolled onward. "And after that is Siberia?"

H nodded, but said nothing for a while. Eventually he finished his cigarette, ground it up in one hand, and then looked back to Rick. "You might have managed so far, but your stubbornness over the demonic bond issue is still a major flaw. Your training will be useless if you won't help yourself."

"I'm trying to set up something with my demonic contacts." Or so he hoped. "They'll be in Siberia. Don't put me in any events too quickly and I should be able to get it worked out."

"I hope so, because you won't be able to sit out Siberia. Their champion will want to test you directly, and they don't have the same laws about personal injury there. If you don't have the power to back up this attitude, you'll pay for it."

Something else to look forward to. Rick sat back and closed his eyes, because he knew he wouldn't get much time to rest.

~ ~ ~

Though Rick had harbored hopes of returning to the demonic side of Odiyu, both to explore it further and to contact Bftgage and Ythsil, H insisted that leaving would be too great an opportunity for spying from other groups. Rick didn't see the point, when he'd be showing his training in public in the next Showdown, but he accepted it since he was interested in training anyway.

After some time correcting errors his hasty training had created, H focused primarily on teaching him something new that seemed completely inexplicable. It was all lucrim constructions that Rick hadn't seen before, and sometimes frankly baffled him. He could tell that they involved transferring energy, and obviously they would be the basis for another Lucore, but beyond that he was clueless. H seemed aggravated by his slow progress, but told him to simply keep at it.

Though it was easy to sink back into his training, it was again texts from Melissa that pulled him out of it. As soon as possible, they arranged another video chat. He saw that she was wearing a new jacket, and as always she looked healthier than before.

"Too busy to talk, Mr. McBigPants?" She raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled.

"Sorry, it's been busy. But how does having big pants relate?"

"You know, the saying about people getting too big for their... well, I guess that's the opposite. Okay, here's how it goes: your pants are getting so large that they're covering your mouth. This also causes you to change your name to Leeroy McBigPants."

Knowing better than to question further, Rick just smiled and changed the subject. "How have things been in the YLAA? I read a little online about you guys going on some sort of field trip?"

"No, that's still coming up." Melissa leaned back in her chair and smiled. "We're going to Europe and I'm actually looking forward to it! Supposedly we'll be meeting our European equivalents - Junge Kämpfer Aus Europa or something - but I think it's really an excuse to travel around. But I'm glad we'll be doing it, since I worry you're going to come back all worldly and experienced."

"Yeah, I was going to mention that. I've been learning so much, I'm losing the ability to speak English. If you can't speak seven new languages by the time I get back, we can't be siblings anymore."

"Don't be silly, brother. How are you going to learn that many new languages when you have a different girlfriend in every city?"

That actually did bring up a current frustration, but it really didn't matter while he was talking to Melissa. "How do you think I'm learning them all? Pillow talk is the best instructor."

"Eww!" Melissa pretended to slap her hands to her face in horror. "Don't scandalize my sensitive ears!"

"I seem to recall your sensitive ears making some pretty suggestive movements... wait, fuck, that doesn't work."

"The ability of my ears to speak is well-known! Legendary, even!"

Rick gave up trying to say anything clever, even by their silly standards, and just grinned at her. "But really, how are things going with you?"

They talked about everything, going longer than usual. Rick began doing his exercises subconsciously and was surprised to note that Melissa seemed to be doing the same thing. Hers involved more lights dimming and dark flames licking up around her, but neither of them paid it any mind.

When it really got too late on her end, Melissa glanced at her wrist, which did not hold a watch, and sighed. "I guess we have to stop soon. Look at the time, and all that. Part of the reason I wanted to do this now is that we might not have so much time during the European tour. But after that... I was wondering if there was any way we could actually get together. In person."

"I'd like that, but would it work? I'm never sure where we're headed nex-"

"Use the gosh darn website, Rick! They post all this stuff way in advance."

"Yeah, you're right. But I'm pretty sure we'll only visit the US rarely, and we likely won't be anywhere near you. I wouldn't mind you coming to watch a Showdown sometime, but it's really not as exciting as you'd think. A few intense events, sure, but most of the time we're training."

"But that leaves us more time to do nothing, which is the point." Melissa slid forward and fiddled with something off the edge of the camera. "Actually, I had something else in mind. After the European tour, we get a month off as a break. Most of the other YLAA people are going to... go to their summer lake houses, or dress up horses all fancy, or whatever they do. It's like they didn't even think that someone might not have a home to go back to."

Rick winced, but he wasn't surprised. "Yeah, shit like that happens. So, from what you said, you're thinking of trying to come wherever I am?"

"Yeah. I mean, if it's possible. I figured that I'd already be in Europe, so there's a good chance it'd be cheaper to fly to wherever you are."

"I'd have to talk to H about whether you could come here. He wouldn't like it, but I might be able to convince him. Or..." Rick had been checking the website while they spoke and seeing how the exact months lined up. "I'll be in Southeast Asia and the Showdown that month won't be so important. What if we flew to see Uncle Frank?"

Melissa perked up and clapped her hands. "That's a great idea! Uh, he is still over there, right? We'll need to get him somehow and ask, but surely we can make it work somehow."

"I don't know if I can get permission, and you should check to see if the flights are too much. But yeah, let's try."

They said a few other farewells, but the call ended on that happy note. Even though it was an idea that had come up on the spur of the moment, Rick found himself fixating on it surprisingly quickly. It had been years since they'd seen Uncle Frank in person. Unless his perpetually busy work made it entirely impossible, it would be fun to visit him and see what he did.

As they prepared to leave China, Rick's training had progressed further, but became no more comprehensible. All the Formula T he drank went into strengthening his defensive sphere, leaving the empty ones conspicuously empty. He thought that he could feel the imbalance in his lucrima soul every time he used the Triune Golden Spheres.

H was gone more often with other business, but implied that they would begin the next step of training when they reached New Zealand. With that in mind, Rick focused more on his original cores. They might not be exploding in strength like the Spheres, but he still relied on them in every fight.

With his mind fully focused on the next step of their trip, he was actually surprised to receive a call from Lisa. He'd nearly forgotten about sending her the sample of Formula T. Come to think of it, he was surprised that she hadn't sent him a message about receiving it. Had Qing Shan simply stolen it after all?

When Lisa appeared on his screen, however, she was smiling. "Hello, Rick."

"Hey." He was suddenly self-conscious of the fact that he was filthy with sweat and was glad that she couldn't smell him through the camera. "Nice to hear from you."

"I got your gift. It was nice... uh, actually a little too nice. It made things awkward for a bit with Nathan until I explained about it being for my work."

"Nathan?" He immediately felt like an idiot for asking, since obviously it was her boyfriend. Lisa also looked awkward and tried to brush it aside.

"Boyfriend, but never mind that. Uh... I don't know why I even mentioned that. It's not a problem, really."

"Actually, I'm not sure what's going on. I thought you might find the Formula T interesting, but you're talking about it like it was a way better gift than I thought."

Lisa gave him a strange look, then bent down off camera. When she rose back up, she was holding a case about the size of a shoe box. It couldn't have been further from a shoe box otherwise, a ceramic case covered in Chinese calligraphy. Rick blinked in confusion.

"Uh... I didn't send you that much. I guess they threw in something else as a bonus."

"Well, I'm not complaining." Lisa opened the case and he saw that the interior had several trays of plush velvet. There were many notches, some filled with pills, but he presumed that the others had once been filled as well. "If you were really dealing with immortals, this was probably a trivial castoff to them, like a party favor or something. But the chance to work directly with so many rare materials has been amazing."

She went on to talk about them in detail and Rick found himself smiling at her passion for the subject. For a while he'd been worried that things had gone wrong, but it seemed sending it to her had been the right idea. Except for the central issue, which he managed to bring up once she finished.

"You did get the Formula T, right?"

"Yes, that was included." Lisa's smile faded and she raised the familiar vial, still mostly full. "I'm not your mother and I don't want to lecture you, but... be careful with this, Rick. I couldn't find any direct information, either online or in any of the databases I have paid access to. But from basic testing, the concentration of lucrim in this is quite high."

"I know. They have me taking a lot of precautions, but I can easily imagine how bad this would be for a power addict."

"Can you tell me how exactly you take it? Melissa also mentioned something about a special formulation that healed you, and that threw me for a loop, so I'd like to understand better."

The fact that the two of them had conversations about him was news to Rick, but he pushed it aside and explained about the schedule of taking it every eight hours. Lisa's expression darkened, though she didn't say anything, so he added every other detail he could. When he finally finished, she stared down at the vial for a time before speaking quietly.

"I think I should do some more tests on this. The risk... well, we've already talked about that. I really truly don't want to lecture."

"I'm glad you're taking the time, Lisa." Rick made sure to smile until she looked up enough to meet his gaze. "And if you have any warnings for me, I'll listen to them, honest. I've blundered into too many problems to think my foresight is all that great."

That got a slight smile from her. "Do you really still want some of my serum? With everything you're taking, and the way I never got an address..."

"No! I mean, no, I actually want it. Things were just crazy for a while and it looked like I might get kicked out of the Showdown. But I'm going to New Zealand next, actually in a few days. I don't know exactly where we'll be staying, but I know the city, so I'll get you an address."

"There was a risk of being kicked out?"

Apparently Melissa hadn't told her everything. Rick explained some of his recent troubles, but felt awkward talking so much about himself. He turned the conversation back to her business, deciding it might be safer to keep things professional.

As Lisa spoke, however, he found himself surprised by the parallels. She was also interested in developing a perpetual soul, though in her case it was more so that she could refine materials and create ether without it being a drain on her. Rick was no expert, but it seemed like she had good ideas. Maybe she wasn't crafting world class supplements yet, but hopefully the chance to work with everything he had sent her would help.

When the call ended, Rick was left smiling and sad. He closed the laptop and dropped onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. It was easier not to think about that. Tomorrow, he'd be off to yet another new country to begin all over again.


Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the chapters. They shouldn't be talking that much unless she's planning on breaking things off with Nathan. It's pretty funny that the Chinese made it so much worse in the best way possible. Man relationships are crazy hard. Rick is stringing himself along by trying to just be friends with her when he obviously has such strong feelings for her.


Not everyone is so jealous or insecure in their relationships. Admittedly, if Lisa were going to stay together with Nathan, narratively, he'd probably have much more invested in him as a character, but it's not like relationships don't regularly survive participants remaining in close contact with opposite sex friends, including in many cases ones they have romantic history with (which really, Rick and Lisa don't.) Honestly, I'd have a hard time seeing any relationship that plagued by jealousy as a healthy one, and if anything, Nathan's insecurity here looks like a flag for the relationship being destined for an early end.

Alexander Dupree

Yeah it's a flag. I don't think that putting yourself in a position where you're conflicted that much is good for anything though. Also we don't know how much he cared or if it was just a question that had connotations implying that something was suspicious. If my girlfriend were receiving expensive gifts from an acknowledged crush I'd at least ask what was going on. Not out of jealousy but simply because I'd rather not waste my time on a relationship I'm not going to succeed in.


100%, Desertopa. The red flag, Alex, would be if she talked with Rick about problems in her relationship with Nathan, whilst seeing Rick in some romantic light, and vice versa. That can be dangerous without some self awareness and boundaries, but Lisa was good to pick up on it early and cut that thread. Otherwise, long conversations with opposite sex friends are perfectly okay and if someone tells you otherwise, that advice is coming from a place of insecurity.

Alexander Dupree

As much as I agree with you I don't think many people have that level of self awareness and even if they do it comes and goes. I guess I'm just saying "why make things harder than they need to be?"


Slow burn indeed! 😄 I enjoy seeing Rick becoming more self-aware. Got teary eyed with the final couple lines in chapter 21 about the puppy.


"when he obviously has such strong feelings for her. " In stories it can be hard to tell because many like making the MCs super ignorant of their own feelings, but I don't think Rick feelings for her are particularly strong. He likes her and finds her attractive for sure and would likely date her if she asked but it is not like he is head over heels for her. At least it reads like that for me.

Runcible Technician

So Rick is literally doping to compete in the olympics? With all the crazy stuff in their world, do they even have scandals about that kind of thing?


This is a world where doping is essentially mandatory to compete in the Olympics. There are a few things that aren't permitted (certain exceptionally dangerous techniques, for example) but scandals are more likely to be along the lines of match fixing or outside fighting.


so what’s the advantage of the spheres over traditional cores?


You know, if I were Qing Shan, and I were really suspicious of Horatio and his training methods, and this kid comes up and tells me that that his training methods involved a relatively addictive P.E.D., and that he wants me to send some to his friend to investigate it, I might also throw in a few pills and ingredients to further that friends education on drug making so as to allow her to maybe come up with a way to mitigate the worst of Formula T.


I won't give too much information about the pros and cons, but one major advantage is how rapidly they can grow. Traditional cores need to be based in a person's foundations, whereas the spheres are free of those limitations.


The scene with the Dog was cute, I actually did something similar with mine before he regrettably passed away few years back (God rest his soul). In my case though, I would pin him down like in wrestling, psych him up counting 1,2, 3, and then do a release. He would run off like a jackrabbit going everywhere in excitement before running back barreling into me and I would catch him. Pet and rub his belly a bit then repeat the whole process. Yeah.. Jigen really enjoyed playing like that he was a good dog and I miss him still. Like Qing Shan I prefer dogs over cats, so I'm more inclined to think favorably of her I suppose for that. Granted the fact that it was nice of her to pad Rick's gift to Lisa like she did. I'm looking forward to just how strong Rick becomes before the competition takes place. I wonder if he will be stronger than the dog when it happens lol.


I'm glad that scene could reach you. I wanted to explore the idea of lucrim pets while keeping the inherent doggishness.

Kenneth Darlin

I really wish we could see a cat with Lucrim it’s be awesome to hear about how the lucked someone and then casually bit off a finger!


Seems like efficacy is what’s important not how you get there. Rick’s total lucrim investment seems way below the other competitors but he’s still allowed to compete. To date no official has actually checked to see if he’s even strong enough. So Yeaa, it’s almost like a free for all, may the best man/woman win?


"How about I just keep my mouth shut?" "Good plan." Dang that had me laughing out loud. Such delightful contrast between Rick's sober self-awareness and Raggest's unbridled... hum... childish obliviousness? I don't want to call it "innocence", that word just doesn't fit. In any case, I wanted to mention this high point. Oh, and the dog scene is also lovely (and I so agree with the "no lucrim cats" rule). Also, it's really nice to see Qing Shan being friendly. It seems that in this universe, kindness, friendliness, etc... are qualities that are not only rare to start with, but become increasingly so with the rise of power levels.


Glad to hear you enjoyed those parts. ^-^ I've intentionally made this world fairly ruthless, but I try to include a mix of elements.