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This has been a crazy month, in a good way, hopefully leading into the new normal.

Street Cultivation: As mentioned, the release went better than expected. Somehow we're still in the top 1000 and we have two weeks yet as a new release to get more attention. I've signed a contract to create an audiobook with Tantor and will let you guys know what comes of that.

Street Cultivation 2: It's coming, I just need a bit more time to be sure of the quality. You can expect the new schedule to begin in September and continue from there. No idea what the title is going to be.

The Brightest Shadow: I'm not sure when I'm going to launch my epic fantasy (probably late 2019 or early 2020), but you'll start to see some concept art, covers, and other neat little things over the coming months. Patrons will get an early chance at it, naturally.

That's all for now!


Timothy Alexander

Whoo! Go you :) so sales have been going well then its safe to say?


Thanks! Yes, sales are sticking at a point higher than my previous peaks.


Grats! The story definitely deserves it.