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Because it's the simplest way to start, I'm going to keep the chapters plain text for now, but feel free to speak up if you have other opinions about best practices for this.


(This chapter has moved to RoyalRoad.)



What did he gain from the Slayer round, btw? I think I might have missed it...


Oh, hmm, I might have brushed past it. He received a slightly higher than normal amount of money and points, just not enough to alter the negative things about his situation. If this comes off as a hole, I'll consider modifying the chapter.


I can understand him having slightly higher priorities than asking what his reward was, honestly..


"If only the aura leeches could be bought off directly with this, but their values were more akin to generation rate, not generated lucrim." Didn't he directly use his 250 lucrim fight purse to pay down the leeches? How do leeches change his generation rate when he doesn't generate any lucrim except as pay? What benefit do leeches provide their owners? Lucrim? Increased lucrim capacity? I feel like I only vaguely understand the whole lucrim system.


Thanks for your questions! Sorry this is unclear - I'd consider changing the appendix, but I'm not sure about the best addition in this case. Let me try to answer your questions in order. 1) He put his fight purse toward paying off the leeches, but it didn't subtract a full 250 because some of it went to feeding them, interest on the debt, etc. 2) The leeches reduce the total amount of lucrim he can carry at once, so his ability to use his cores is weakened. 3) If by "owner" you mean the debt collectors, the leeches send lucrim back to them, plus they can harvest the leech at the end.


I can't tell you how excited a story makes me...I can't wait for this adventure