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Hey, everybody! Since Patreon will be charging creators more in the future, I wanted to establish my tiers and get grandfathered in. Some of this is just a foundation, like the art pack for $10 backers. Right now it only has high resolution covers and the Street Cultivation characters, so in your position I'd wait for more art to be finished.

One reward I do intend to provide soon is early chapters! Right now I'm thinking that I want to keep things simple: no complicated tiers, every patron gets access to all the early chapters. I'll be able to start with two early chapters (ahead of RoyalRoad) but I might potentially increase this to three in the future.

Before I post tomorrow's chapter early, I wanted to ask people about preferred formats. Normally I provide files you can download, but that might be inconvenient in this case. Is plain text in a patron post fine? Let me know what you'd prefer and I'll try to set everything up!

(This chapter has moved to RoyalRoad.)



The reward tiers seem reasonable to me. I think I'd tend towards releasing early chapters in document form, probably PDF and/or some appropriate e-reader format, if feasible. That would make it easier to give annotated feedback for things like typo reports.


Text in the page is convenient for short stuff, but longer than a few minutes read I'd prefer in a format that I can read on a Kindle. (<a href="https://burningslug.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://burningslug.com/</a> is a good easy/free way to e-book stuff.)


It's also nice to have them as files so that it doesn't turn into a treasure hunt if I want to re-read the whole story.


Noted, thanks! For the record, the story will definitely be collected in a Kindle version at the end.