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I know people are here primarily for the books, so whenever there's a break, I try to take time to give updates on my progress. No serious spoilers this post, but don't read if you'd prefer to avoid having any information on the ninth book.

Making too much progress on the book is being impeded because I'm stretched very thin at the moment by various things. However, I can report that the ninth book is taking shape in an abstract sense and I'm really looking forward to putting more time into it.

The title is likely to be "Skyvenom" unless I change my mind about the name of the sublime material. I hope this one will be a bit shorter than the extended Wakespire and Deathseed, but it will probably be mid-sized for the series at smallest because there's a lot to cover.

I consciously planned TWC to be a less action-oriented series, but it's still action, with a big fight every climax. I always want to keep thing fresh in a long series, which is why I try to do different sorts of fights, sprinkle in competitions, and so on. With Skyvenom it's finally time to take a step further in this direction.

I'm not saying the book will have no fights, I'm just prioritizing other elements. Can I make negotiations and soulcrafting as tense as combat? For some readers, there's a 0% chance and I could write the negative reviews now! But for most of you who have been on board this far, I think you'll enjoy the slight shift. Just another step in the path of making the characters feel like they've truly reached a new tier instead of staying in place on the power treadmill.

Anyway, over the course of May I will have a variety of fun things to show you. Somehow I still haven't posted the cover reveal, plus I have some crazy TWC fan art. Please look forward to it!



Thanks for the updates! I love the sneak peaks on your process you share with us. I'm definitely excited to zero in on some of the soul crafting challenges the gang have waiting for them, especially after how combatively tense the last book was. Looking forward to it!

Daryl Piffre

imo, big fights are better in small doses or it doesn't mean much

Froyo Baggins

Sounds good! I don't read for the violence.


Thanks for the update and I can’t wait for May! I have an unrelated question, if a Soulhome blueprint focuses on armaments to the 9th degree will it never be viable like Theo says or is there ways around that problem?


Personally, for me, the perfect TWC novel would be three characters sitting together at a table packed with rare and powerful sublime materials discussing theoretical blueprints that might use them for 200k words.


It would take some creative soulcrafting and require a lot more upgrading than other paths. But you can build good chambers that can work with multiple items, such as Krikree having a generic weapon room.


Haha, the ninth book is not going to satisfy you as much as the eighth in this regard, but you will get a lot more information on one of the Transcendent Monuments!


Thanks for the answer! The magic system you have crafted lives rent free in my head and I can never get enough of it!

Bryce Leo

Sooo as far as release does this put death seed in June?


While it could possibly be in May, I cannot promise it. Apologies for the delay.


Skyvenom sounds just as ominous as Deathseed. Certainly at least as intriguing. I can't wait to start reading it!

Arch Fiend

I just really like soulcrafting so I'm here for it.

That's me!

I really enjoy the series. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Micaiah Gillies

I love the Soul Crafting and you have always managed to make interesting and believable geo political tension.

Runcible Technician

As long as there is a spiritual fistfight inside a soulhome at some point I'll be happy.

Piyush Singh

Interesting … I like the tentative name of the new book And soul crafting by itself can totally be just as intense as a combat sequence Really excited to see what incredible things you have in store for us

Evan Staats

I cant find the 5-6 chapter for deathseed is there somewhere else it would be posted


Should be here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/deathseed-5-6-92275401 Let me know if there are any issues with that! Appreciate your support. ^-^