Whats New In October? (Patreon)
Honestly I wasn't really happy with the new conent I've made in August. Should do more and better, kinda lika having no power. Its been too much on my head, government is forcing me to take a job they offer, I got something that needs medical attention, hope no hospital! But before all of this, I've been planning a psychotherapy session. If I can't help myself I should seek for help from someone, especialy the professionalists. Because the things seems to be pretty grim and started getting worse... Well, back to the words. Maybe I'll be able to make another panel or even two of CL-07 or CL-08, before the end of this month. October has five fridays so I'll have one more week to see if I can handle next month. I'll let you know if I'm going to pause or not, I'm still not sure and I don't want to dissapoint you.
By the way is there someone who had any experience with psychotherapy? Got a lot of problems to be solved.