Clone Catalogue - Micro (Patreon)
2020-04-08 13:02:26
Even smaller than Morsel, eaten by dozens in one gulp.
Scale - 1%/ 1:100
Height - 0.6-0.75 inchess/ 1.6-1.9cm
Weight - Less than 0.1oz/1g
Nutritional Values - 1.5-2kcal/ 5-6kj
(Male Micros may be slighty bigger, heavier and more nourishing than females)
Bought per weight in small packs, no customization there are several types to choose, both male and female in various races. Its recommend to take few to get a taste of them.
Fit in smallest containers to be eaten anytime and anywhere. Trapped in clothing may cause uncomfortable tickling. An ordinary spoon may fit more than ten of these. Bon Appetit!