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Just wanted to update you all on some life stuff I had last week that have been stressful and has been taking most of my time lately. In short my mother is suffering from a couple of conditions, urinary infection at first, probably a "hernia" I dunno the name in english, probably a huge myoma, I say probably cause right now she is taking more exams so doctors can know for sure, probably she is going to need a surgery, so yeah I've spent most time taking her to the hospital and taking care of her, its not really easy cause she is so neurotic xD, I just wanted to let you know the reason I will probably not post anything soon, or maybe I will who knows, and for some of you who were maybe wondering my absence. It's stressful cause I really wanted to be productive this month and make lots of stuff but then stuff like this happens out of nowhere.   Hope you are all doing fine tho, remember take care of yourselves.



I hope thing get better for your mom