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Hey there!

Quick, it's Wednesday, let me post progress update!

Starting with the most interesting things, in the next update, we will see definitely 3 events, aftermath of Jock event (nsfw), new Cynthia x Sergil nsfw event, that shows up only after aftermath with Jock, and Client event with Housewife, first one (sfw). 

Other than that I spend some time on (again) trying to get Mac build to run. So I successfully updated it to the point of previous Mac build, what I mean, it's still might need starting from MAC terminal. BUT! I did get some help directly from GameMakerStudio2 Developer yesterday and some pointers regarding that. I will need to spent some more time on it, figure out what's wrong and maybe then we will finally have a full and working for everyone mac build! I also fixed few small bugs and corrected a bunch of typos already too, as per every update.

That said, I plan to update the game on Saturday or Sunday.

My friend informed me that tomorrow is Thanksgiving in America. Even though I don't celebrate it, me being from Europe, I want you to know that I am very thankful for all of you and for all your support. Thank you for reading and being here! It means a world to me. 

See you soon in the game update post! Have a great rest of the week!





Can't wait! (Meaning to say: I can wait, take your time, don't rush it, make it gud!)