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Hey everyone!

So I've been sick since Wednesday (common symptoms for you-know-what). But now the fever has calmed down and finally I got some throat medicine that looks like is working. I'm still waiting for my test for that but I'm sure it's just a normal cold or something seasonal. 

That's why I don't have anything to show for weekly update. I'm sorry for that. But I'll still try to prepare some things for the next update (Sunday/Monday) since I'm beginning to feel better and finally sat down at the desk to write this post. Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up without any symptoms, nothing gets worse and I'll sit down straight to game dev!

I hope your week was much better than mine! Haha! 

Have a relaxing weekend!




Everyone I know has been getting sick, best to rest and not worry. I know some people might complain but not me. Hope you get well soon!


Please don't rush anything. Take the week off, then get back to it when you can the week after.


Hope you feel better soon! Health is always important!


take the time off until ur back in full swing! you do so much work as it is an extra little bit off wont hurt anyone!


Если ты про ковид, то глубоко вдыхай спиртовые пары и почаще, они разрушают тромбы в дыхательных путях и сосудах. В любом случае, выздоравливай быстрее !