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Hey everyone and thank you participating In this month's voting 🧡

This month was quite busy with pointless paper-works but has to do those out of way.  Now I am back for more drawing, I hope this delaying wont happen next month as life hopefully finally settles down, and I can focus on art making mainly. During December I will announce switch from appreciation arts to high discounts (free) from commissions, basically meaning the same but will be easier to offer even afterwards the support - to me it seems like only fair to aim be more simple in the future and just focus on creating as that is all that matters 💕

Anyway lets get to those scores and winner of this month is:

Winner Hyenas with huge 20 votes, congratulations~

2nd place goes to Stallions "horses" with 17 votes

3rd Zebras with 15 votes

And 4th Lions with 9 votes 

Thank you everyone, will see you in the next voting, I hope waiting for Halloween will be exciting and pieceful for everyone as much as possible 🧡


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