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What to do when you want more stamina for more love hmmmmm Oh! I know Slam a extra layer of power! X3 But Like all tales This is for another time to be told ;3

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Warning I do not Own any of the Characters from BNA: Brand New Animal . Every right to those characters belong to their rightful Company.

Oliriv Style

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work. https://www.deviantart.com/oliriv




Ha ha funny way of phraseing to be continued XD


^^ happy it please you that little Sentence killed me to XD I laugh sooo hard when it was done


This is a huge evil tease. Nazuna definitely deserves to be in a poll to see this continued and her all masked up lol


Who's the next poll mask? Because we know it's someone new