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>////< Looks like Massa about to go overdrive? Wait old Friends ?! O/////o how did ??? These are the things even I don't expect or understand XD But when it happens. I go with the flow and Let Massa surprise me ^////^.

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Warning I do not Own any of the Characters from キルラキル Kiru Ra Kiru. Every right to those characters belong to their rightful Company.

Oliriv Style

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work. https://www.deviantart.com/oliriv




Yep both used to this... having two masks fusing to one's chest is just another Monday for these girls xD


I bet these girls wouldn't be too phased if them masks slapped straight on their faces xD


Insteresting 🤔 what the most Insteresting part is how did senketsu and junketsu appear 😂


Well if you read correctly X3 Massa kinda poof them back to reality