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Here we go Mako as a bright idea XD But she trip to land it on their chest ? O////o and they come to life?! Oh boy someone in for one hell of a messy time >////<. 

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Warning I do not Own any of the Characters from キルラキル Kiru Ra Kiru. Every right to those characters belong to their rightful Company.

Oliriv Style

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work. https://www.deviantart.com/oliriv




Hmm how that going to work 🤔


Boob mask? Now that is something I GOTTA see... 🧐🤔😆


*Confused noises*... the masks swapped hands D:

Kevin Ton

Oh ho that is very interesting way to put on a mask, also looking forward for ryuko and Saki transformation.👍😁


^^ well I'm glad it interests you. Can't always be the same thing otherwise it wouldn't be fun


This will be very interesting 🤔


And that's why she tried something silly only to do a mistake in the process X3