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Beauty always come at a price. In this dilemma it's a wooden Mask trying to eat up your head and crushing it painfully. Bbbbbbbut for a Gorgeous *Will* To enjoy her Ride X3.

*Will* = Massa enjoying herself to her purees Fun, Chaos and more XD. Cus who knows what Massa capable of.......

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MegaLinx Style

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work.  https://www.deviantart.com/megalinx




this is amazing and all but when are you going to return to Oliriv Style version of this story?


Wow this is what I love about massa's transformations. They are always awesome and detailed. Also poor ray...you can really tell how much pain she is in but in the end it will be the beautiful sexy massa 😍😂👍👍👍


to be honest I don't think it will come back Since people love more the waifu Poll created by him XD so unless in the next shout out people ask to replace the Waifu Poll by that I won't be changing it


yes well Linx as a lot to do with that. he transform me script in those detailed art work