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Here goes the kitty fight X3 go go go bite her ear !! Then you have Rose trying her best to prevent war XD.

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MegaLinx Style

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work.  https://www.deviantart.com/megalinx




Ah, the typical Mega-Ultra Bitch... Classic... 😏😑 Don't you let yourself be intimidated by her, Ray. *pats her shoulder* You are exceptional and very cute, just the way you are! *pats her head* 😌😊


There's always that one person in the workplace you never get along with 😂 . However I do have to agree ray is cute the way she is and so is rose... zoey is cute also but would probably be better without the attitude lmfao


Well maybe..she seems like the total bitch type..I guess we will tell as time goes on but at least here she is mean