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>/////< is that me or the hot spring getting hotter every passing seconds?? Cus man the steam really getting in the way. 

O////o This dragon getting more hungry but for what?? O.o and now Ray comes in that's a bad idea!! 

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Warning I do not Own any of those Characters of Fire Emblem. Every right to those characters belong to their rightful Company. 

Oliriv Style

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work. https://www.deviantart.com/oliriv 




Must be Camilla's hot body. It is becoming LAVA hot, you know... 😏😳😎


What class is Ray in Fire Emblem Fates or did Massa bring her there?


Then answer is silly but simple XD Ray wanted to go in fire emblem Fate world for fun X3 and well Massa did just that ^^ but Bad luck like always hit Ray


Wow what a sexy view 😍😂😂😂