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Happy Halloween !! ^/////^ I believe there is no words that can describe How gorgeous this Final page is. 

Except if you ever invite so many lovely ladies home X3, Think about making sure they don't have their magical Mask with them. 

Oh and XD make sure the doors are lock when plan to use your own to surprise everyone.

Final Call for all the beauties!! We got from Right to left :

Masked Hina - Queen of Egypt

Masked Midori - Goddess Lady of Death

Masked Mia - WereFox Empress of Wild

Masked Sheila - Hellish Succubus Mistress 

Plain Ray - Blushing Hostess

Masked Akira - Prime Vampire

Masked Green ( Aka Wearing Foxy Mask ) -  Legendary Zombie Pirate

Moon ( AKA Rose wearing Mask of Creatius ) - Winged Okami Witch Queen

Thank you all ! Mostly a huge Thank you to MegaLinx that did a outstanding Job with all those love Masked  Goddess. ^/////^ Wish you all enjoy this Event!!

First page O.o

Previous Page D: 

MegaLinx Style  

Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work.  https://www.deviantart.com/megalinx 




They all look extremly Sexy and Ray looks an little bit confused and thinks Oh shit whats going on. xD


I'm happy you like the final Shot ^^ and yes Ray is like " Oh my this is not going to end good."