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So if you have the NSFW folder link, you'll see that the entire part 1 comic is pretty much done. The final pages haven't been posted on HF yet because I'm not sure if they need any finishing touches or not. I'll post them once I'm confident that I haven't forgotten a detail. Things have been a bit slow going because my boss has dumped an extra 12 hours of work a week on me. This will last for the rest of the summer and it's been tough to get things done. I have had some work night last until 2am.  I haven't even been able to exercise. I'm getting weak and fat! HELP!

Next month is going to be kind of a slow month, because of the aforementioned extra workload AND because I'm quitting that job and moving on the 25th of August. I do have at least one short (2 or 3 pages) H-Comic planned, and a  possible a pin up. So it won't be completely barren. However, after the move, things are going to change. BIG TIME.

I'm taking a little bit of time (no more than 2 weeks) to enjoy a vacation. I haven't had a vacation since at least 2012. I need to acclimatize to my new area and settle in to a sleep schedule. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my health back on track.  After that vacation, sometime in mid September, I'll be kicking it in to high gear. The response to the Toph comic, and the growth of this patreon as a result has made me think that if I REALLY focused on this, this could be my main source of income. This patreon, and literally all of my art work, has suffered because I haven't been able to devote time to it. Well from September to March, this site will be my main focus. My art will be my main focus. Monday through Friday this is my job. I have saved 6 months worth of living expenses, so for 6 months it's going to be constant production. At the end of those 6 months, we'll see where are. 

(On a personal note, making that comic was so fun, and I can't wait to make more. Thank you for the support you've shown. It's been a huge confidence booster, and I promise better work in the future. )

Because I'll be working at this as though it were my job, I'll also be rolling out new reward tiers. 

I'm pretty adamant that if you're going to pay me money, then you should get something for it. That's why the only tier at this point is the 1.00 tier and it's basically just for me to make stuff when I can. Right now, I can't guarantee anything, so it's really out of the kindness of your heart that you're supporting me. And I can't thank you enough.

 It's because I can't guarantee anything that I've struggled with adding tiers. I'm not sure I can follow through on any of them at this point. The sketch reward tier disappeared sometime in January because I couldn't keep up with it. People were paying me, and I wasn't delivering. That's not fair. That's wrong. It's why I haven't been responsive or taken any new jobs on Artists N Clients. If I'm going to ask you for money, you're going to get something for it.

So what are these new tiers. I have a bunch in mind, but I'm only going to roll out what I know I can do.

The first tier I can talk about is the Perfect Practice tier . This tier will be $3.50. It will be a private stream on Picarto. In this stream I'll obviously be showing what I'm working on, but I'm also going to be teaching my photoshop techniques, drawing techniques, anatomical knowledge, and so on. This my seem like an overreach, but hear me out. My skill over the past few years has gone down. I don't deny that, so I'm going in to a self imposed training regime. And I'm taking you with me. I figure the best I can teach how to draw, paint, etc. the better I'll be able to understand it myself. Granted, I'm not a "teacher" but I'm sure we can all learn together.

These new upcomming tiers will be things that I know I can deliver on because I'd be doing them anyway. Someone asked for the sketch comissions back, and right now that isn't on the table because I'm not sure I'd be able to commit to them. Training I'd be doing anyway? Yeah. I can keep up with that. Other tiers are coming, I just want to be sure I can do them.

Here's what you can expect from me in the coming months.

First, Toph Heavy Part 2. Right now, I'm in the layout phase of part 2. I learned a lot in Part 1, and the next one is going to be even bigger.  I'll begin working on that in earnest in September. My self imposed deadline is mid - late november. Without the distraction I'm dealing with now, I think I can. 

Second, mini comics. This is where I have an idea, but not really a plot. This will fill in the space as I work on Toph Heavy.

Third, commissions. They'll be opening up on Artists N Clients, but only 1 at a time. They'll be divided in to sketch, pinup, and painting. As time goes on, more slots will be added. 

Fourth, Achsen. This is my serious comic, and I already have the first 3 issues written, and the first issue layed out. I'll focus on Toph Heavy first, since that's what people are here for now, but Achsen will become a priority.

Finally, A SHIT TON OF RULE 34. I have so many ideas it hurts. 

That's all I can think of for now. I'm super tired, and I've got work in a few hours. Thanks for the support so far. Things are a comin.


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