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We're so, so close to Halloween and as such I want to present to you my latest battle map, another one with a spooky theme.

This map though, is something that I'm sure you'll find useful regardless of the season: a graveyard for all your brain-eating, undead killing, tomb robbing and beloved-npc-just-died-so-let's-raise-them-as-a-zombie-at-their-funeral-while-the-bard-cries needs.

There's three main grave areas. The easternmost is mostly protected by the wall, making it a bit more difficult to get in or out. The walls of the one in the south and the one located in the northwest are in varying degrees of destruction so they are more easy to access from the road.

Regardless, all the graves make for perfect cover and I'm sure more than one will be torn apart by a badly aimed magic missile or eldritch blast.

Patrons will get higher resolution maps, gridless versions, alternate color palettes and variations with different amount of props. Check out the image below to see what's included on each tier!



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