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Below you will find all the links you need to help you find the perfect map for today's session!

Looking on how to print the maps at actual size? Check out my map printing tutorial!

Please note that only Patrons get access to Tier 1 and Tier 2 content depending on their pledge level.

Dice Grimorium Tome I: Maps 1-50

Dice Grimorium Tome II: Maps 51-100

Dice Grimorium Tome III: Maps 101-150

Dice Grimorium Tome IV: Maps 151-200

Dice Grimorium Tome V: Maps 200-Current




The things I'd do to download these maps in batches instead of one by one...

Mega Lonyx

I don't understand why there is no zip file. I love the style of your maps but I would literally pay you $15 not to have to download these one by one.


Hi there! There's a size limit for attachments of 200mb. As such, it's not possible to download everything in one go. That's the reason why even some rewards for just one map are split between multiple .zip files. Thank you for understanding!


I am so exited to use these for my first time DMing a game!

Alexander Jakimcio

I get you, but also you got to keep in mind the price you are paying. Any other solution like dropbox that would allow bigger files ist costly for the creator and they have to manage access which is also not easily done.

Alexander Jakimcio

Hi! would it be much trouble for you to include the tokens separat (or just the tokens an additional time)? I selfhost via foundry and my players and I have good internet speed, so I do download and use the full resolution files but I also like having the tokens. I do understand if that makes me a minority and it is not worth the trouble, because I can just download the roll20.zip and extrakt the tokens (which I have done up to this point anyways).


Currently designing a custom setting for D&D 5e using Norse Mythology and your snow maps are perfect for some of the encounters I am planning. Thank you so much, I'm glad I randomly found your website while searching around.


Any chance of some Grasslands content, or Underdark?

Steeve Nadon

A fair.... I need a fair.... :-)


Thx so great work


my "covidies" will be pleased, congrats !


Do you do commissions?


Is there a chance or any maps in cities or towns? or maps with a few buildings and roads? Love your work keep it up!


Thank you! Yes, urban maps are in the works. It might be a few weeks before I get to them, but rest assured they'll be released.


Hey - I just subscribed, long time follower. I can't believe how much you have developed from your first post (fisherman's shack) to now, amazing


Any chance of getting these in JPG or PNG? And is it possible to get a single link with all of your past maps for download? Love your work though, looking forward to seeing what else you can do.


Hey, Adam! All the maps are in JPG format, and the tokens in PNG. But there's no single download link available, unfortunately.


New supporter and I just want to make sure I understand how the per map cost works. All the other designers I support just do a monthly charge and I get everything released in that month. This being the first per map type of support I just want to be clear on things. As I read it, I only get charged for each tier 1 map I download. If I don't do any downloads during a month I should be charged for that month. Correct? Also, Im guessing that if I set a limit, once I hit that limit set I wont be able to do further downloads. Is this also the case? Thanks in advance for the reply.


Hi! You won't get charged per download. As soon as you pledge you get access to all previously released maps and content at no additional cost. The payment is per *new* released battle map; I usually release 4 maps every month along with an extra fifth one that's released completely free for all patrons regardless of pledge level. At the $1 tier rank you'd be paying a monthly total of $4 for five battle maps and their respective exclusive Patreon content. Hope that clears things up and thank you very much for your support!


It does indeed clear things up. Thanks for the quick response. Do you have a plain grass map with no features? I like the color pallete and subtle worn areas you create. A nice wide open grassy plain map with no features wpuld be very versatile. I could use it for historic wargames as well as rpgs.


Hey there, love your content and worth every penny to be a Patreon. One question, do you plan to do more caverns/dungeons maps? Got my party inside a mountain and can't use many forests there :p


Thank you very much! I do have more of those coming up. This month I am planning to release a couple snowy maps (thanks to the release of the new Icewind Dale module). And I'll make sure to release at least one cavern or dungeon.


This is an incredible list of map resources!! Thank you so much.


79 and 80 are both listed as snowy thermal water. What are the dimensions for map 80 the mountain forest?


Thank you, the issues have been fixed! The dimensions of the mountain forest map are 23x30.


Fantastic maps! I just came across your page and found some maps that will work perfectly for Icewind Dale random encounters. Thanks!


Thanks for the Index!


Big fan of your maps, have been a patron for a while, but havent had a chance to play much with my group recently. Is there any chance you can add a .zip for a total library download? Id love to be able to download all the maps without having to manually download 130 files. Perhaps create a .zip for every 30-50 maps so that it doesnt have to be constantly updated? Thanks in advance if this is possible!


Recently pledged and I already have gotten every penny's worth and then some! Your maps are great for all my "random" encounter needs (LOL). I'm curious if you'll be doing any urban maps. Some of what I'll be doing for my homebrew in a few months will start in a city. Streets, alleys, homes, you name. I would use it all!


Love the maps. To echo some other posts, I would love to see a tokens download pack, gridless pack, and gridded pack so I can operate offline too.

Alexander Jakimcio

Ngl, I was gonna do a "download all then cancel" but holy hell you've got a ton of content and criminally low tier pricing, do you have a paypal I could shoot you some onetime money in addition to staying subbed? Because this is great content. You do not have any plans on adding hexgrid as gridded option, do you :) ?


Hey there! Thank you for wanting to send an extra, but your subscription to the Patreon is more than enough :) There are currently no plans for hex grids unfortunately, sorry about that. Thank you very much for your support!


Love the snow maps. You seem to mainly do landscapes — how about some building interior maps?

Michael Losinski

Dude, 150+ maps w/ assets blew me away. I really like your art style and designs. But you are seriously underpaid for this quality of work. Glad to be here and I cannot wait to see what else you have on the way. Most def in for the long haul


Thank you for your nice comment! I hope you keep enjoying all the new maps, and thank you very much for your support!


Is there a way to download all 180+ maps as one file?