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She doesn't know her picture was already taken.


Name: Millie


Staying out of trouble, chilling out, hanging out with friends, having a good time, spending money


Having to work with brats, being given the hard tasks, being beraited, being broke


Casual, awkward, easily flustered, determined, tired


Despite what you may think, Millie has never once been inflated, or transformed. She's one of the few human workers at Wonka's factory, hired in the wake of the sudden body inflation spike in the city around the factory. She only wanted the job just for the money since she has a spending habit. She would of thought she'd be helping to make chocolate or wrap up candy but what she got was much more than she expected.

She's tasked to help out the inflated in the Rehab Ground, which means, juicing the blueberries and fruits, deflating the blimps, liposuctioning the blobs. Its harder work than you would expect and its not all she's tasked to do! Researching a permanent solution to the inflation problem, cleaning out the vats without being inflated, clean the floor, bringing the inflated food and comfort. Its really tiresome for her, especially if she's gotta work with overly swollen brats that throw insults at her for the littlest of incontinences.

Despite the long hall of a days work, she does have some time to chill out, but since most of her co-workers are knee-height and barley talk, she spends most of her free time with the inflated. Spending day after day with these overinflated people kind of blossomed into a weird friendship of sorts. 



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