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Is this the first time I did something like an update post on Patreon?

Anyways, that person (or persons) kept sharing... as expected. Clearly, they and the people they share with couldn't keep it in their pants for more than two months.

So, this is what's gonna happen.  Well one of two things

1) ----------------------

On November 1st, I'll start a DA Subscription (i know some of you may not like that but these shared posts are getting way outta hand) I'll try to make it as similar to Patreon as I can. The posts will be sent over there in a huge wave. The google forms will be going there too.

So what about Patreon?

I'll see around December time; If DA Subs gets more people on the tiers than Patreon, I will shut it down. Not exactly a happy ending but it's the only ending for it.  One of the ways to stop the scumbags from sharing.

I may make a new DA Account dedicated to the paid content but it's just an idea.

2) ----------------------

I'll make the content on here password protected.  All images posted here will be tiny previews that will have links to another site holding my full morphs. Some of my morphing friends showed me and it works.

I have known that people have been sharing my stuff for a while, I didn't really do much in fear of more people flooding to the places that had my stuff. But just making a post telling them to fuck off managed to make them stop, for like a week at most.

I am open to suggestions/advice if you want to leave them in the comments.

So yeah... not really a happy post. Sorry for the inconvenience


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