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I had a random thought a few moments ago that there isn't much variety in what I do. I don't mean in terms of morphs because I know I do a whole lot of different inflations/transformations.

 I mean in the sense of; I do mainly three things, The morphs, The deepfakes (whenever I can get it to work) and The Inflate-O-Requests (The improved version of the Wheel-O-Requests for Diamond Tier Members)

So I was thinking of what else I could do. Maybe more sequences? Maybe an inflation drive? (whatever that is) A new Inflate-O Requests just for everyone? Art Trades? A contest of some kind? I don't know I'm just throwing some thoughts out there

So what do you want to see? Comment below and I'll try to reply back. c:



Sequences are always good- transformation, tg, age regression, growth/shrinking, it's fun to see the subject change image to image. A story in several parts might be good too. If you want some suggestions, I'm sure the folks here would have some to offer. Maybe a change in genres/settings, too. Modern is great but you might want to dabble in fantasy, sf, Old West, war (WW2's good), Victorian England, etc. (Doesn't mean you have to buy a lot of new DLC for your software, though, we don't want to spend you into the poor house.) Hope this helps!


Damn, quite a lot of suggestions you got there! Growth I think works with other inflations like Body Inflation and Blueberries, things like that. Hell, im pretty sure most full-body inflation morphs have the girls be at 10ft! But without any inflation? I probably won’t do that. With more focused inflations, like hourglass and WG? Maybe. Then again It all comes down to how tall of the person in question. Mini-Giantess? Or full-on Giantess. Shrinking is a no, even with inflation. Although the thought of having a tiny berrygirl in the palm of your hand is pretty cute. Shrinking without inflation, It doesn’t work with me. The Setting and genres is an interesting one. However I base the backgrounds and clothing off the person/character I’m morphing. Since most of the ladies I morph are… well.. Modern. If I did morphs of characters from movies/games then I would morph them from that scene/world that they exist in. Thanks for suggesting tho! C:


Sure thing! I agree with you on the above. I'm not really a big fan of growth/giantess stuff myself but some are. Go figure. :) Shrinking with inflation is something I like, but if it doesn't work for you, that's cool. Hope it helped and keep up the great work!


Sequences would be the best thing you can do, it's something that goes along with your actual content, and add new "mechanics" to your Patreon


Sequences are the idea that is going to work the best clearly, especially since I know they worked in the past. I think the two downsides to it are the amount of time and effort that have to be put into it and what the sequence should be. Still, its the best option so far. Also, what do you mean by add new "mechanics"?


Anything animated possibly?, Not like deep fakes


The only thing I could think of is a before-to-after (Morphed version) animation, although i don't have any knowledge on how to do any sort of animation.


Ah i understand i’d also like stories? like if you made pics that kinda sum up a story then more in depth writing with it


It is a good idea, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it will all of the morphs.