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Pretty sure it's a miracle that these girls can even walk in their states.

If you guys were wondering where my new DA background came from, now you know lol.

(The girls in the image are:

Bella Poarch as "Lexi",

Daisy Ridley as "Eva",

Jenna Coleman as "Cali",

Belle Delphine as "Jessica"

Pokimane as "Briana")




“This… *pant* …Is getting ridiculous! Where’s… the end?” Eva wheezed loudly.

The group was walking, some waddling, down the seemingly infinite hallway, the swollen girl’s legs were on fire from having to lug about so much fat or juice. Even Jessica and Briana who haven’t gained weight from their transformation they are slowing down from the constant walking. There was only a series of doors on opposite sides and a light in the centre between them, and that pattern stretches off into the horizon. Somehow, it had a horizon.

“If I knew… *pant* I would be walking so much… I would have not taken my heels.” Jessica whined.

“Why did you bring them anyways? You could have worn something comfortable.” Briana asked.

“Cuz most times, style comes after being comfortable.” Jessica flapped her gorgeous blonde hair to emphasize her bimbo logic, which baffled the pink girl. It wasn’t long before Jessica’s confident look was returned back to that of discomfort.

“Actually…” She said while reaching past her planet-like boobs towards her heels.

“Maybe the style isn’t worth it right now.” She continued as she got her feet out of her heels, wasn’t easy when her breasts and ass were swaying at every movement until a sudden look of surprise came across her face.

“I forgot that I had my toenails painted!” She exclaimed out of joy. The group laughed at another of Jessica’s air-headed bimbo moments, which would seem pretty mean to some people, but Jessica laughs with them, she knows she isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Meanwhile, Bre almost looks annoyed for some reason, she tugged on Lexi’s red tracksuit to get her attention.

“Is… she always like this?” Bre asked.

“Like what?” She replied with a confused expression.

“You know… all out there? Ditsy? Loud? Almost like a bimbo?” She questioned, which Kage happen to overhear.

“You didn’t know she was a Bimbo when you met her?” Kage almost looked shocked.

“I don’t judge people at first glance.” She replied

“You didn’t think she was a bimbo when she has, blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, massive lips, huge tits, a gigantic ass, and all of her clothes are pink, tight, and revealing? She literally could be the Queen of the Bimbos if she gets out of here.” Kage joked. Bre looked towards the enormous blonde in question, he did have a point, all the signs were there.

“I’m still kinda jealous that my boobs aren’t as big as hers!” Lexi jested. Briana bolted her head towards Lexi from sheer shock.

“What do you mean? Those things are bigger than multiple watermelons!” Kage laughed.

“Hahaha I know, but you can’t have enough of a good thing right?” Lexi joked again.

“Pretty sure being around Jessica has gotten you into her bimbo-esc ideas.” Kage wrapped around his soft blue girlfriend, Lexi in turn giggled like a little schoolgirl and kissed him on the cheek, that is until Briana ruined the moment.

“How could you wish to be bigger than you already are!” Briana questioned, still in shock. The duo looked back at her with concern. What’s wrong with her?

“Not everyone wants to be normal you know?” Lexi simply stated, before waddling along.

Briana signed and looked down at herself. She had been trapped for so long that all she knew was loneliness, that was until Charlie came and helped her through her bloated imprisonment, making her have the strength to put up with her captivity. Maybe it was being able to move again or looking slightly normal again is that frightened her. She didn’t have to do anything like a giant pink bubble but to let the Loompas get what they needed from her; it was her routine for as long as she was there for. Now that she’s free, she has no idea what to do, the only thing she wants is her friend. Maybe it was being around her new companions that put her on edge, they all seemed pretty happy and calm despite their transformations that deformed their bodies. Why? Where they really that good of friends, or have they been together for so long that they are like a family of sorts? Maybe she will warm up to them, she just has to relax more. As soon as she thought about that, a bubbly sound came from her belly, as she saw some pink skin from her rising shirt. She sighed again…


“This… This is just ridiculous!” Cali cried out; the poor chubby brunette was in agony from having to carry her immense mass down the hallway. Her face was flushed red with tiredness and weariness, not to mention she was sweating from every pore of her body. She felt the tightness of her clothes more as she carried on, making her cringe the more she thought about it.

“I… I need to lay down…” The huge green girl faintly replied before falling backward. Eva felt her colossal ass touch the floor before rolling her onto her back, her thick juicy legs suspended in the air. A loud slosh came from her booty before a “THUND”, which got everyone’s attention. Completely Immobilised. Not that it mattered, she didn’t have the strength to walk a single step.

Cali fell almost next to her, she tripped over herself and landed on her vast belly, with a whine. Like Eva, she couldn’t move from the absolute exhaustion and the fact that she couldn’t get up even if she tried. She breathed heavily through her chubby cheeks and felt her eyelids get heavier.

“That’s *huff* not a bad Idea that…” Jessica quipped as she stumbled to her knees and lay on her gargantuan breasts, wet patches of milk formed on her top as she laid all her weight on them. Kage looked back and saw the trio of bloated girls passed out on the floor, he did make him chuckle a bit, but he too has no energy to carry on today. Lexi and Briana were hyperventilating from their tiresome journey. He guided them towards a wall where he tumbled towards the ground. Briana fell next to him, her belly on the full show despite her attempts to pull her shirt down over it. Lexi on the other hand fell on top of him with a wet “plop”; She had absolutely no strength to do anything, Kage had to move her bulbous waterbed-like body to get her comfortable. She sat between his legs, more like on his legs due to her juicy behind and massive thighs; she laid back onto him, her eyes already shut and drifted off into a deep sleep, her rapid breathing reduced to an adorable snore. Kage wrapped his hand around her ballooned belly, in which Lexi’s sleepy head naturally laid on his arms. He felt he should get some rest too, but he saw a worn-out pink girl beside him, shivering. He took off his hoodie, without disturbing the lovable blue girl laying on him, and wrapped it around Briana, covering her. Her pink dozy eyes looked at him, and a slight smile came across her face before falling onto him also! She wrapped her arms around his left arm, hugging it tightly. He’s covered by the soft, warm pillowy bodies of his girlfriend and his new friend. He isn’t going anywhere. He sighed and closed his eyes.


He overheard the sounds of slight struggling, like someone trying to reach for something but too short to get it. Kage opened his eyes to see his blue beauty still pass out, and Briana was also still deep in her sleep. In fact, everyone was still asleep, except…

“Ugh… Come on… Please give me some”, a voice whispered. He turned his head to see the chubby brunette, Cali, trying to reach forward and grab something.

“What are you doin-“ He cut himself off to see two tiny people standing among the field of sleeping overinflated girls. An Oompa Loompa and Loompette wearing what seemed to be purple hazmat suits, they held their helmets in their hands, looking rather confused at what they stumbled across.

“He… He has a bag of peanuts on him… I only want a little bit…” She wheezed, still reaching out desperately, she really has a gluttonous hunger problem. The commotion managed to wake up all the girls.

“Jesus Cali… You had like all the cereal, how can you still be-“ Eva woozy complained as she lifts herself up onto her giant cushion of a butt, before seeing the small figures eyeing her down.


A loud “THUD” emitted when the startled pear fell onto her back once more, almost comically; at least her screams wiped out the tiredness from everyone as they jump out of their sleep. One by one, they all looked towards the small figures, they didn’t seem aggressive surprisingly, they would have thought that Wonka would have sent those Loompas after them when he discovers they were missing. Briana took off Kage’s hoodie that kept her warm and tried something rather strange. She whistled a short tune that got the attention of the Loompa and Loompette.

“Um… hey there. Do you mind if you give some of the food to my friend over there?” Briana said in a caring tone. The Loompa turns his head towards Cali, still trying to reach towards the bag of peanuts. The Loompa cautiously approached the blobby brunette and raised his bag towards her, and without hesitation, she snatched it out of her hands and started to scoff the peanuts down. It only took her a few seconds to realize how much of a greedy pig she looked.

“S-sorry, Thanks for the peanuts.” She embarrassedly smiled, before going back to eating but at a slower pace. The others observed the event in awe, how did Briana do that? Did the Oompas not care that six people have escaped their cells? Or are they trapped here in some sort of way too? Kage tapped Briana’s pink round belly to get her attention.

“Say, uhh… Can you tell them the way to the Inventing Room?” Kage asked. Briana waved at the Oompas to get their attention to relay the same question.

“Do you guys know where we can go to get to the Inventing Room?” She questioned. The two Oompas looked at each other with pondering expressions before they both surprisingly pointed behind Cali, Eva, and Jessica.

“Are you kidding me! We have to go all the way ba-“Eva's whining was cut off as when she looked behind her, there wasn’t the endless hallway, there was a door. Everyone looked in pure astonishment as if by magic or some illusion, a door was behind them the whole time.

“Thanks for helping out,” Briana said to the Oompas before they disappear into another door down the hallway. For some reason, she wasn’t as in disbelief as the others are. Jessica and Eva quickly got back onto their feet and inspected the door frantically, their oversized bootys occasionally hitting each other. They rubbed the wall beside it, it was real, they weren’t dreaming.

“How is this possible? Was the door following us the whole time?” Jessica asked.

“It couldn’t have just appeared from the thin air, there was nothing here when we walked past!” Eva exclaimed.

“Maybe they put it there when we fell asleep?” Lexi theorized.

“Well in that case the hallway would just be on the other side of this door,” Eva stated as she grabs the handle and swung the door open. On the other side was a very dark room filled with sounds of bubbling and machinery. Flashes of every colour imaginable lit up the room ahead of them showing a circular hallway going around the corner.

“I guess we head that way,” Briana stated the obvious.

“Does that even lead to the Inventing Room?” Cali asked.

“Well, wherever it goes, it beats staying in this place,” Jessica announced before heading into the dimly lit corridor; the others followed closely, that is until…

“Uhh, god… this is way too tight!” Eva whined as her gigantic hips catches the sides of the doorway. She tried to force her way through with one massive tug of her monstrous leg after the other, but it was too much for the frame to handle as a sound splintering sound echoed through the halls. Eva’s eyes widen as she slowly turned to look at her hips. They were absorbing the frame. She’s completely stuck… again. She let out an exhausted sigh.

“I’m never gonna get used to being this big”

“I know this may sound like a dumb question but… have you tried controlling your weight?” Briana said out of the blue. The girls looked at her with confusion.

“What do you mean to control it? This thing has a mind of its own!” Eva yelled while pointing to her massive ass cheeks wobbling against the doorframe.

“I don’t really think we can Bre. Well, maybe Cali if she doesn’t eat?” Lexi theorized.

“I guess I might be different for different transformed people then,” Briana replied disappointedly.

“Wait, can you control your size?” Cali questioned.

“I… uh… Kinda?” Briana nervously answered. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure about all the ins and outs of her own bubblegum nature, but she did know that some things trigger an inflation.

“How? I thought they can only go bigger over time?” Kage asked

“How do I put this… Bubblegum girls, or well… me, can fill themselves up with air or gum, which is chosen is judged by the surroundings or how the subject feels. If that makes sense.” Briana carefully explained.

“I fill up with air if I am threatened or in danger, even if I think I am not. So… I’ll just float away from harm’s way. If I’m trapped in a room with a roof, I’ll swell up with gum which makes anything that touches me, sticks to me. It’s like a survival mechanism.” Briana continued.

“So… if it’s some new form of survival instinct, there could be a way of controlling it?” Kage speculated.

“Exactly” Briana replied.

“You are telling me I can shrink this huge belly down?” Cali almost sounded excited.

“You are telling me I can make my tits as big as I want?” Jessica definitely was excited. Lexi peered down at her own cleavage thinking the same thing.

“I-It’s just a theory!” Briana was overwhelmed by their high hopes.

“Unless you or Kage can shrink my fat ass down, I’d like to remind you that I’M STILL STUCK HERE!!!” Eva screamed at the top of her lungs. The frame really was starting to cause a lot of discomfort for the bottom-heavy pear.

The girls got together, as much as three bloated girls could, and pushed on Eva’s vast ass, with Kage seeing their progress. He could already tell that they are going to be here a while.


End of Part 3


I really hoped you guys enjoyed.



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