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Hey everyone! I thought this might be needing a post by me lmao. I realized that quite a few of my patreon fellas may no longer be looking at my posts on RR.

So. I started a second story! Like, a month ago. Yes, this update is late, I'm a bit dumb xD

Don't worry, Mercury is continuing at the same pace as always. This is something I found myself with the headspace and motivation to do, because I felt good about the idea. Mercury will keep up 1 chapter per week every week! 

I'll be doing a quick version of the whole "Link and Blurb" thing. Cover will be attached to the post for your viewing pleasure! So, here we go:

Tenets of Eden [Parallel World LitRPG]



After a debilitating injury, forcing her to take some time off in the real world, Fio can finally return to Eden, the second world, hidden behind mirror gates. There, the sky is not covered by smog, and the world is not ruled by greedy corporations.

Rather than that, it is magical. Cities are kept safe from monsters by warding formations of Qi, and enchantments weaved from mana. The gods give boons to those who contribute to peace, and the gatekeepers of the mirrors will provide safety for your resting body.

What a shame it would be if her adventures were cut short once more.

But regardless of what monster attacks her, Fio moves forward. Perhaps, that determination will grant her another chance.

As long as she's not eaten by the Mirrors.

- - -

So Yeah! That's Tenets for ya. Or ToE for short (yes it's funny because it spells toe, you know my humor by now). 

It's about a girl trying to juggle to lives, on two kinda both "dying" planets, Neamhan and Eden. It's a bit less comedic than Mercury, and has more romance in it, but you can expect a relatively strong, character driven narrative, with a generally faster pace than Mercury. There will be plenty of fluff bits in between though, like nice, comfy and very lesbian romance, and a little bit of struggles with the family. 

If you like my style, I highly encourage you at least check it out for badass woman doing cool shit! Thanks for reading, everyone <3



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