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Hello Friend~ :)

As you probably know Flash Is Dead, and with it, all our memories of times gone by. For me, it was the precious hour in the morning I had before school when my dad left for work and I could surf the net on the only computer in our house. An hour filled with the most memorable content on the webs~

Now I know no one asked for this, but allow an old man like me to reminisce my time, not only as a flash appreciator, but a flash creator. There's a lot of things I kept to myself, but maybe this would be a good chance to finally share with you~ <3


[ eVADE - Classic Flash Platformer with a Bullet Hell Twist ]


eVADE (2010)

[ Play it HERE or Play the Standalone game attached below~ ]

In 2010, I released eVADE, a level-based platformer where you play as a robot experiment that could be "virtually indestructible". Indestructibility is impossible so they created you to evade and avoid all dangers, so in theory, if you cannot be touched, you would be virtually indestructible.

Back in 2010, Flash Sponsorships were huge and the best way to make a living off of Flash Content. Sites like Kongregate and Armor Games would "buy out" flash makers to add their content to their sites. And if your game was good enough, they might even have a bidding war to win you over.

I was one of those lucky ones.



I was 19 at the time, and it was a crucial time where I needed to decide my future. Game development was my passion, but could you really live off it?

That was why I made this game and why I released it under the name "SoZetta". It was the culmination of researching popular flash games and made specifically for sponsorships. It was a product. It wasn't a "Moosh" game.

This experience is exactly why I'm so thankful to you and your support. You let me do what I love... You make it so I don't have to make "products". You let me make "Moosh" games.

That's the best thing you could give someone... And you don't know how grateful I am for that... :)


[ Despite everything, I still had fun designing all the levels! I might've made it too hard though... I dare you to beat the game with less deaths than me lol ]



[ never. - Chill Forever Scroller where you never make it to your Goal ]


never. (2011)

[ Play the Standalone game attached below~ ]

I didn't like who I was in 2010, but I still needed to make sure this game dev thing was worth a shot. "never." was the compromise. 

Instead of just taking the popular Flash trends at the time, I took MY favorite flashes as an inspiration. So at the very least, I know I could love what I was making.


[ Canabalt and Robot Unicorn Attack were my favorites~ ]


I loved playing Infinite Scrolling Platformers back in the day. Although they were simple, just something about them kept me playing, even if I knew that there was no end

It was at that point I realized I wanted to make that the focus: a game that told you "you will never reach your goal". 


[ You will never make it... ]


In the game, you play as a "Boy who can Fly". Imagine this person, who has complete freedom, but decides he will continue fighting for the thing he seeks. A thing that will never come. Is it really worth it?

I could probably say this was all a metaphor for how I was feeling back in 2011 but really, it's just a game I made for fun :)


[ My High Score after 10 years~ ]


never. never got a full release like eVADE did since I wanted to add a bunch of mechanics like actual flying but knowing I was able to give it this chance to be seen, I think it was worth it :)

Anyways, thank you for letting me go down this memory lane. Even with Flash in our past, we have a long future ahead of us.

I'll see you there :)

Much luv~
- Moosh



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