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Evenin' Peoples!

Boy does it feel good to be back~! :D

After the Holiday break and the NSFW art crunch, it was nice to be able to get down and dirty with the code again. I wanted to start off the year with a little spring cleaning, so lot's of polishing and bugfixing, but more importantly, I got around to putting in your random event submissions, so you'll get to see your content in the game!


[ Hey look, your collaboration's in the game~! ]


Build 0.72.1 Change-List:

  • Content - Writing First-Pass on Random Events
  • Content - All accepted Random Events that were "Written by You" implemented
  • Content - All current NSFW Waifu art implemented
  • Feature - BALLS Chance System for Random Events
  • Feature - Added Reward System for Random Events
  • Feature - Unlockable Personality-based Talk Options during dates
  • UX/Polish - Various Polish (Money Particles, Date Special Ability ToolTip, Cost indicators)
  • Bugfix - Fixed errors when dating a girl during "The One" relationship status
  • Bugfix - Fixed Random Chance Wheel breaking with 1:1 chance ratios
  • Bugfix - "Go Adventure!" soft locking
  • Bugfix - Flash Lvl not increasing when buying Photoshop and Wacom Tablet
  • Bugfix - Creating Flash requires Energy


[ Going through all the submissions, editing and entering them all in... lots of work! ]


So what's up? :D

This week I went through all the submissions and chucked them all into the game. I thought I was prepared for this but just like in the past, editing and data entry were big time-consumers.. (I talk about it a bit more in a previous Devlog Video).

But despite all that, they're all finally in! I hope you enjoy getting to see your collaboration in the game :)

If you're still interested in adding your own stuff to the game, I have some information for you below~


[ Updated art and a couple new gameplay systems - And yes that's how my notes look like when I design systems... ]


Other than your content being added in, there was various bugfixing, polishing, content-adding and as well as a couple of new gameplay mechanics.

This year I'm trying to be more concise, so to lightly touch on those new mechanics there is now a new "Balls Chance System" and "Unlockable Personality Talk Options"

With the new Random Events, Balls effect your chances to succeed them. So If you don't have the personality to succeed in life, hopefully you'll have the balls to take those risks :)

During dates, you have to choose topics that are appealing to your date. Originally all these options were available to you but now they are unlocked based on your personality. Basically you can't tell a funny joke unless you have the "Humor" to back it up.


[ Behind-the-Scenes Time-lapse videos of each build and Commentary from Me :) ]


If you want more information on what kinda work goes into game development, I will start including time-lapse videos of the build, along with commentary. So if you're interested in watching a game being built right in front of your eyes, check out the God Mode Build~! :D

Anyways, I'm talking too much again. Next up on the menu will be NSFW art for the Yome Side Project and Allie's Climax, so be sure to keep a look out for those!

Much luv~
- Moosh



  • Download attached game file
  • Un-zip
  • Run Pico Sim Date 3 FC.exe
  • Play and Have fun!

Note: The Mac builds are new and experimental. Please let me know if there's any issues with them as I test them myself.



[ Notice for people who want to submit events! ]


Random Event Submissions!

As mentioned above, I'm still accepting Random Event submissions, so please feel free to keep sending them in :) 

For more information, please refer to this post here: Game Event Submissions! 


I seem to have broken the submissions on itch.io, so if you want to use the application form, you'll have to download the PSDEventSubmission.zip attached to this post. I'm in the process of fixing it, but in the meanwhile, save backups and please use this for now.


Instructions for Event Submissions:

  • Read about Game Events 
  • Download attached file (PSDEventSubmission)
  • Un-zip
  • Run EventSubmission.exe
  • Fill information and Submit
  • Wait and see your story in the game!

--- <3



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