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Buenos Dias~!

Like I mentioned in the 3-Minute Update, before we can continue finishing the game, we needed to take a step back. Basically, I was getting ahead of myself: Before we get voices in the game, we need expressions. Before expressions, we need dialog. Before dialog, we need story-lines etc...

I was more focused on giving you guys things you want to see, rather than focusing on what we need to finish the game... But I want to fix that.

Don't worry though, I'm still keeping those things in mind, but I just wanted to highlight what's going on with these story-lines. :)


[ Character Story-line "Overview" in Miro]


What's up with the Story-lines?

Note: Before explaining a bit more detail with what's going on, you can scroll down to any girl if you just want to know what their full story-lines are going to be (including the multiple endings). 

But as you might already know in a previous DevLog, we've added these multiple paths to the girls. While writing these paths using Twine, it was easy to organize the dialog, but it was too detailed to understand the full story. By that I mean the character's conflict, her motivations, her character development etc.

And that's why using Miro helped organize thoughts on the over-arching story. It was easier to see the big picture using post-its for plot-points and notes on the character's progression.


[ Twine is better for detail and dialog writing ]


Writing Philosophy

While writing these story-lines, I kept a few things in mind:

  • This is still a porn game: As much as I want to add depth to our girls, I know this is porn and not a novel. So we find the balance between simple but not too shallow.
  • We are all broken: We all have our issues and what makes stories interesting is the conflict. Let's make their conflict the main focus.
  • But we can be fixed: Character development is important. We all change based on things that happen in our lives. The character must become different to how she was at the beginning to highlight how her character has developed.


How Multiple Endings Work

To support those philosophies above, we give the player Multiple Choices that will influence the girls. The player's choices should support the girls towards a more positive change in her character and thus, towards the good end. If she remains broken, you get the bad end.

Note on choices: Each Choice is given a "Point Value" (seen below). Getting more points means a better ending.

With all that said here are the summary of the finalized story-lines!


[ Click here for a closer look ]



Her conflict: Revolves around the loneliness and sadness of being the last of her kind (Dashkin). She obsessively spends time searching for any clues to her missing people causing her constant despair.

Effective choices: Choosing options that focus on "forgetting the past" and moving on will lead to her happy ending. What's past is past.

Source material: Her story is based on Bitey Brackenwood's The Last of the Dashkin.


 [ Click here for a closer look ] 



Her conflict: Because of how she was treated in the past, she feels the need to prove herself to the outside world. She questions people's purpose and motivation, unable to realize the dilemma of her own.

Effective choices: Choices that make her realize that she doesn't need to prove herself and push her to accepting herself unconditionally will lead to her good ending.

Source material: Her character is based around Tankmen, and how bad it'd be being the only female surrounded by dick-joking guys all the time.


 [ Click here for a closer look ]  



Her conflict: Emotional suffering and alienation of living in cold, unwelcoming places and wondering if the happiness of finding a true "home" might never happen.

Effective choices: Avoid choices that make her believe that she just needs to live with her cold, lonely reality and that's "just how the world is". Make her believe she can find "home" in someone instead of some place.

Source material: Based on Alien Hominid the game. There's not too much more to it except that she's an alien lol.


[ Click here for a closer look ]



Her conflict: Okay so her conflict was gonna be about "miscommunication" and how to deal with having relationships. But based on your feedback, her backstory is split, so her story is To-Be-Decided for now.

Source material: She's based on SamBakZa's There she is!! series. It's about the love between a cat and a bunny representing the racial stigma of relationships between Japanese and Korean couples. It's actually why racism was a possible alternative for her backstory in her lore poll.


[ Click here for a closer look ]



Her conflict: As someone who's very close to her family, she is shackled by their opinions and doesn't have true ownership of her own life. Conflict arises when she must choose her family or her own happiness.

Effective choices: Choosing options that make her realize that she should be the only one who calls the shots of her own destiny will lead to her happy ending.

Source material: She is based on the game Dad N Me which is about a murderous father and son duo. A family that kills together, stays together!


[ Click here and here for a closer look ]



So her story-line is a bit more work-in-progress than the other girls because it was a bit harder to make her personality (bitchy and condescending) more endearing. I got the main plot-points now, just need to put the details.

Here you can also see the thought process that goes into the story-lines. It starts off as vague "sketches" of the story and makes sure to highlight her developing character.

Her conflict: Having peaked during high-school, she's learned how to manipulate men, going from guy-to-guy and milking sugar daddies. She only realizes how stagnant her life has become after she is reminded of her childhood and see's who she has become.

Effective choice: Choices that remind her that she's in control of her path and that even "bad" people can change and be redeemed.

Source material: She's a character from the Pico School series. Her promiscuity is based on her solo game where she contracts an STD from a boy before prom.


What's to come?

Phew! Apologies for the long post but I hope that it gives you a glimpse of what's going on and the thought that goes behind the little project we're making.

So besides iterations on Hun-Ni's and Nene's story-lines, expect the remaining girl story-lines next in Part 2. There's lot's more planning to go so I hope you can help me out in the form of feedback in new lore polls!

'Til next time!
- Moosh



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