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Hello lovely people! <3

How's life been going? I hope you're all feeling fine and well. And I really do mean that, especially with all the virus stuff going on nowadays. 

I'm hoping I'll have time to make a vid-log of how things have been going and all the progress so far, but for now, here's an update for you :)


• Patreon Month Pause~

You guys probably already know what's going on in the world with the whole COVID-19 situation and how it's affected many people. 

Luckily for me, only my IRL work's been affected. I've been able to start Working-From-Home, but the transition has been rough for me. Combine that with being sick for two weeks (just a normal cold, thankfully) and you've got a really busy month. 

With the busy month, I'll need a bit more time to put together new stuff for ya'll. But I do want to thank our recent Patrons and of course everyone for their continued support. I do plan to hit you guys up with more content soon enough! I luv ya~ <3


   Spring Cleaning - Code Refactoring~

To put it simply, the game's been long overdue for a cleaning. For the more tech-savvy, we've been collecting lots of tech-debt and we were in need of some code refactoring.

Before we implement things like Save Files and Features that need Tuning, we need to make sure all the data is organized, so nothing get's lost. This is why I needed to clean things up.

Feature work like this is another reason why we're pausing for this month. Even though I'm always actively working on the project, I want to make sure I give you guys something you can see and play. This was a lot of invisible work, but I assure you it's necessary!


    Marina Travel~

In an effort to make the game feel more like a real game, I've been focusing on Polish and tying up loose-ends. In the Beta Builds, travelling through the marina was instantaneous. There are transitions now, and choice of destination.


 •  Energy & Time~

Now that we have a Time-Limit to our game, I needed to make sure time was actually moving. In the next build, you will see Time moving as intended, and places will have their own schedule. As a bit of added UX to the game, you can now see which time of day each location is available at.

If you look at the bottom-left of the screen, there is also now an Energy meter. In the Flash Build, there was no concept of Energy and you could go about without having to sleep. With the Time-Limit, days needed to be a more concrete concept. So now every action expends energy, energy is replenished with sleep and sleep spends a day.


  •  FX & Polish~

One of my favorite things to do is just adding small flourishes and tweaking little things. This one's more for me... :p

I've been adding environmental FX (since time & day is more relevant) and I tweaked how Metro Town (formally Metro City) looked. It also now has a City Park for itself because since you need to pay for Marina Travel, it's possible to run out of energy and not have enough money to make it back to your dorm in Portal City. So you can sleep in the City Park until you got enough loose change to make it home~


     Debug/GOD MODE Additions~

With more features, comes more responsibility. We're gonna need more debug tools to catch up with all the refactoring 'cuz I guarantee, there's gonna be bugggss

The Debug Menu now allows to modify your energy, game time-limit ('til game over) and advance time. It'll also let you skip to the game and pass all the intro/diary stuff so you can get right into the action.


     More to come~

So as you can see, a lot of this work is (finally) making this game feel more like a game. There's a lot of loose ends that need tying and then from there, it's really just needs content~

I'll try to keep up with the updates, but 'til then, be sure you check out the Trello if you're curious on how things are going. 

But anyways, that's already a lot to unload and I gotta go back to work. So see ya next time~!

With all my heart~
- Moosh



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