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His hunger finally sated, the titan decided it was time to relax and blow off the pent up tension that had been mounting in his groin. He reclined, laying back on the mountains with his manhood still dangling over the remains of the city, leaking his potent juices over the skyscrapers that remained downtown.


Had a lot of fun with this one. Definitely want to aim for a more realistic style as I learn how to draw. This was my first feeble attempt at shading his torso.



Everett E Reagan

Any additions to your Gustav art work? Eager to see him encounter the brave little tailor. Hope all is well with you.


Hi, thanks. I definitely want to make a proper tribute to BLT, but still figuring out how to get the destruction physics up to my standard of detail. In the meantime, I definitely want to make more non-canon scenes with him, and am very open to ideas :)