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"Gather 'round, dear travelers, and hear the tale of the day the mighty Jupiter descended upon our fair city of Rome. It was a day like any other, with the sun high in the sky and the crowds gathered at the Colosseum for the gladiatorial games. But then, something incredible happened.

As we gazed up at the sky, a figure began to take shape, slowly descending towards us from the heavens. It was Jupiter himself, arriving as the most glorious titan. He was so massive that his head reached the very clouds, and the ground shook with the force of his arrival. People ran into the streets in a confused panic, but the pandemonium gave way to a reverent fear as the many thousands of us beheld the sight of the god approaching over the horizon.

As he drew nearer, we could see the full majesty of his form, his muscles rippling beneath a forest of musty hair, his gaze lowering as he watched his worshipers with almost a casual disinterest. Indeed, he seemed almost unaware that his every step leveled whole quarters of the city, leaving great craters in his wake. This spectacle soon gave way to another, when upon reaching the city center he made his intentions clear: demanding that the citizens of Rome satisfy him with their ultimate devotion.

At first, we were all frozen with fear and uncertainty, unsure of how to respond to this mighty god. But it was those who had gathered in the Colosseum who beheld his form most closely, that were frozen in awe as he lowered himself upon the city. Yea, it was when the two enormous orbs came into sight over the edge of the arena, blotting out the light of the sun, when those gathered felt he had sealed their fate: the very origin of life in our fair world heaved upon the unwilling audience, as though the god could hardly consider the masses he had chosen to smother and crush beneath his fleshy sack.

And as the people of Rome gathered in the streets around the Colosseum, we beheld the sight of Jupiter's massive endowment overflowing the structure, which fractured and cracked under his weight. No matter where one stood, the very air was thick with the scent of his manhood, which drooled his sweet effluence over the side of the ancient arena.

Hundreds gathered before him, and some men and women were even compelled to find their way into the stadium, joining those who were already trapped within. It was then, with a voice that thundered through the very earth, that Jupiter commanded us to massage him, to devote ourselves to his pleasure until he achieved release. And we did as we were told, our fingers trembling as we touched the divine flesh of the mighty god.

When Jupiter reached his peak, we were awestruck by the sheer force of his ecstasy. The very ground beneath us was shaking with the power of his release, and we could feel the warmth of his divine seed flooding the ancient streets of Rome, drowning those who had dared to flee from his presence.

It was a moment of both terror and wonder, a display of divine power that would be remembered for centuries to come. And as I tell you this tale, dear travelers, I can still feel the weight of Jupiter's presence upon me, and hear the echo of his mighty voice ringing in my ears. Truly, it was a day that would never be forgotten."




A masterpiece! You've outdone yourself this time. 👏 Sexy giant, amazing scenes, and the story is a very nice addition!


Thanks Eddy, couldn’t do it without your support here! Lots of new techniques for this piece to bring to the next scenes. Used ai to help write the prompt, but mostly from me. Chat gpt is pretty good at ‘bard tales POV’ 😂