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…you were pulled over for speeding, and a handsome young cop in his 20s steps up to your window…and he’s got a bigggg belly below his otherwise slim and defined face? You notice he has clearly gotten bigger since being fitted for his uniform and is starting to outgrow it. His demeanor is calm and cool, but also stern and authoritative. His clothes are tight as fuck and his buttons look like they’d pop any day now. You tell him you’re on your way to a party and are bringing all the refreshments. He shines his flashlight and sees piles of goodies in your backseat. You see his eyes widen. Like a lion spotting his next meal. He then immediately claims he suspects you’re hiding drugs in the food and will need to taste check all of it before you are free to go. Daddy then orders you to step out of the vehicle as his bellow growls a low base note…shit is about to go down…



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