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Patreon sucks for posting video and stuff so I'm going to be using Discord to make it a little easier to keep you guys up to date.
Everyone in the supporter tier should be notified with an invite to the server, it's still a little WiP so excuse the delay whilst it gets up-n-running.

If you don't get auto-invited but you wanna join, here's a link:

I still need to backdate the animation channels before I open publicly, planned for around Jan 1



i opened up my discord today and was very confused


Yes! Sorry about that, I was doing some prelim setup of the bot, connected it ready, and it just invited everyone automatically. Sorry for the mixup


lil question xD I connected dc last weekend with my patreon acc, can I get invites only now or is it to late or does it just take some time xD?


Im not 100% sure how it works, I've added a manual invite link to the post x