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I simplified it a bit (so that rotation is done on an object level)


tut https://youtu.be/akacnNMPK8M



Ed Tannenbaum

Yes, but that turns off all the shadows. To do it right I think the beam would need to be made into a separate object to deselect only it's shadow option, but how?? ? Or maybe realize it and modify an attribute? IDK


Brilliant! I wonder is it possible to make it reflect off a shiny surface? Also might I suggest a sequel to capture Star Wars fans? "I made a lightsaber in 5 minutes" but actually track it to a prop in your hand 😁


love the idea but don't want to intrude on Ian's tutorial that is already perfect - lots of people seem interested in reflection hmmmm


oh I see - I thought you meant the laser itself was casting a shadow - I don't know if there is an option in the material settings to disable shadows (since the illumination coms from an emissive surface)