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well... they move lol


Animated Trees?

the thing: https://blendermarket.com/products/botaniq-trees?ref=236



I've been leading up to this. Last time I used leaf planes and simple deform modifier, and it works for distance shots. This is next level. I'm always really tempted by material and asset packages with that whole "'well then I'll have 'trees' settled forever I guess" attitude, but I find when I acquire the assets en masse I just don't feel any satisfaction of discovering them. This looks like it could save me SO much work though.


if I could make these myself I totally would XD biggest issue with botaniq is no option for low-geometry version. This wouldn't be so much of an issue if we had some of that nanite shit lol


Sure I don't need a promo code so it knows I clicked your link? I mean, I see the "ref=236" in the initial link, but its gone if I click somewhere else.


not gonna lie: no idea how it works. I think if a purchase is made from a computer that has gone to that link then technically it's an affiliate sale. long story short: idk lol