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We value all feedback from trixel+ subscribers to bring the best and most fair Patreon rewards we can offer. Feel free to leave a comment with your ideas, concerns, etc.! 

We want to know what you most look forward to from the service, your favorite posts thus far, and what you would like to see going forward.

Do you feel the $2 monthly price is justified for what trixel+ offers? Do you feel that Dev Diary posts are fulfilling enough? 


Travis Kurt

I am very excited for this game!


I'm satisfied with what's given but If bigger options for subscription was open, that would be nice to give people an option If they wished to help more instead of being limited to £2


One thing I think could be cool is a contest for trixel+ to design an in-game stamp, if we're given a specified file format/other instructions to design something.

Mark Hall

It would be nice to plan for other exclusive Patreon stuff. Even if it’s super small stuff on the regular. Like you could have a Stampday once a week where you post a new stamp from the game, who it’s by etc. Just little weekly stuff that keeps up your presence until your next monthly update.


for the price its bloody excellent. keep doing what your doing, chaps.


Honestly, I like it the way it is. The Dev Diary posts are a nice thing to read every once in a while. it's interesting to see how everything came together. I think it's great I can support you all with $2 a month as it doesn't break my bank and I get to support production for something I am looking forward to.


I just joined. I'd love to see previews of the levels being designed for campaign, story, etc. Basically just dev diary and preview stuff. Short gameplay video/tech demos?

Bruce Michael

For 2 bucks this is incredible.