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Sorry for the absence everyone. hope you all have been well. 

(This is as descriptive as I'm comfortable with) To be blunt, Money and family struggles led me to leave but I intend on making a "return" I guess. I'm going to be running things a little differently. (This is as descriptive as I'm comfortable with) 

New name:  Last one kind of sucked so I think change is good. call me what you like though I will be moving things in the direction of "Slingblade". Sling, Blade, or whatever is convenient to you:

New Process and Plan: I won't be doing commissions anymore until I have a job that offers more free time. 

Stuff is going down: I want to start somewhat fresh so i will be taking down almost all of my old posts on Patreon, twitter (X) , pixiv, etc. also I will be deleting the deviant art page because frankly I don't use it and I think its kind of cringe. 

Communication: I used to run this shit like a business and tried to mask my personality with it but I can't be bothered to care about nonsense like that. I'm going to be a lot more open and blunt in terms of how I talk. For starters, my Twitter will be a place ill be posting my thoughts a lot on. 

Content: I still have an itch for conjoinment so that hasn't changed. though some pieces will just be general NSFW content based on what i want to draw. CJ Content is still very much the entree though.

The last bit is a bit different. I'd like to thank everyone who's reading this and for those who stuck around. Thank you for liking what I did and I anticipate even better stuff coming out. approaching this as a sort of "prime" I'm entering. I hope to deliver.  

feel free to shoot the shit with me and ask some questions under here. ill try to get to them all but ill be working on a personal project (Non art related) for the next 3 days . think i've covered about everything i can think of right now. glad to be back



Glad to have you back and personally i feel with you. I hope everything is gonna be better soon for you ^-^