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Greetings my friends, hope you're doing great!

More than a year ago I had the opportunity to work with my friends Michael and Kevin, in the League of Dungeoneers Kickstarter. It was a huge success!

Now, since some months ago I'we've been working on an expansion and second reprint: League of Dungeoneers The False Prophet!

Well, it's now available on Gamefund, so make sure to check it out: https://gamefound.com/en/projects/von-braus-publishing-ab/league-of-dungeoneers-expansion-and-2nd-print 

🎉 It was funded in less than 10 minutes! don't miss this chance of acquiring this amazing game... really, don't miss this opportunity!

Hope you like it and as always, thanks for your support! 🧙‍♂️




Thanks, already backed the All-In to be able to get both the base game and the expansion 😃 Though it's a bit expensive in shipping due to all that weight 😁