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Greetings my friends, hope you're doing great!

I'm pretty excited with this week's set: лісовий квест (Lisovyy Kvest), which means “Forest Quest” in Ukranian.

This is a special set which I'm creating from one of my Shamrock/Tourmaline patrons and it's entirely based on the Ukraninan mythology and culture.

These three characters are, from left to right:

  • Cossack: kind of an Ukrainian Witcher, Bloodhunter, mythical warlock warrior with unnatural possibilities like telekinesis, animal speaking and transform into wolves. The only way to kill him is to use a silver bullet and bury him faced down so he could not rise up.
  • Chuhaister: a tall "forest man" covered with long hair and dressed in ripped white clothes (or naked, coated with a long white fur). Used to be a human enchanted by evil warlocks centuries ago. Now immortal being, walks through forest, hunting on Mavkas and other female rusalka-like evil creatures, tearing them apart and eating them. Helps humans to find a way from forest, protects them from enchantments (projected to DnD he would be a Large rare neutral creature).
  • Mavka: Beautiful charming young girl with green hair. She has no back, so her inside can be seen when you're behind her. Children from 7 years old who died unbaptized become Mavka. They can lure boys into the thicket, where they tickle to death. You could try to protect your house from them by attaching a doll toy to front door, so Mavka will play with it instead of your soul.

Hope you like them so far and will keep you posted about this set!





I love both the idea of this set and your interpretation of it


Thanks Daz! I think these three characters (the images and the descriptions) can inspire to create an interesting adventure plot

Murka UA

Thank you! I really love it. And thank you for stand with Ukraine 💛💙