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And we are here again with this activity!! u know what to do, give a topic to vote on, it can be anything that you would like, the 3 with the most likes will vote to select one

This topic will help to practice a little with some experiments in "Crazy Katx Lab"

The idea is that it is a theme where you can apply for rewards too, but it is optional




how about the theme "food"?


Dunno if its too broad but maybe music? Like dancing, playing instruments or even pics like those music themed stages on platforming games, with giant intsruments and notation everywhere xD

Alek Haunt

Bottomless gamers =P


you mean something like those mario kart stages with large instruments? xD


it's a sfw theme right? uhm...let's see auttum, tea, a windy and peaceful afternoon at the park or at your house......aaahh!! dang, i can only think of kinky stuff like hypnovember xD


i'd say hypnovember is a cool theme. Many posibilities :3 eeeheheheeh

AleTails Saru

I would go with "Old Civilizations". You can draw egyptians, romans, greeks, aztecs, incas, vikings, and any other civilization that you could imagine in the old ages ^_^